I feel like like the topic of McDonald’s pies have sort of just been swept under the rug. When’s the last time you really thought about getting a classic apple pie from McD’s? Don’t lie.
The topic of McDonald’s pies is a whole other story right now.

I mean, Cookies & Cream Pie made with Oreo cookies?
It’s basically like a giant lava cake of Oreo cookie, and I am not upset about it one BIT.

It’s only being sold in Malaysia right now, unfortunately, but here’s to hoping someone gets me a casual flight there for Christmas!
The dough is crispier than normal, with a light brown filling that tastes like classic cookies & cream.
Watching this woman try the pie is just torture.
Would you sign a petition to get our very own McD’s Oreo pie in North America?

Let us know in the comments!
Last Updated on December 19, 2019 by Olivia Nazarewich