[Courteney C*x(https://crafty.diply.com/119521/video-of-courteney-coxs-15-year-old-daughter-singing-is-going-vi) is giving us major Monica Geller vibes after she posted a TikTok video of herself doing “The Woah”.
But what was even more amazing than Courteney’s dancing, was Matthew Perry’s response to it.
Up until just this year, neither Jennifer Anison or Matthew Perry had Instagram. They were sad times.
But fortunately, the whole gang is back together on social media and fans can’t get enough of their interactions amongst each other.
Seeing that they’re all still friends to this day is heartwarming and nostalgic af.

It really helps us relive the good old days – the ’90s.
Like the time Courteney welcomed Jennifer Aniston to the wonderful world of Instagram.

“Hi Jen! Welcome to the social media world…it s***s. You’re gonna love it!,” she wrote.
Or the time she posted this seflie on her birthday, with Lisa Kudrow and Jennifer Aniston.

“How lucky am I to celebrate my birthday with these two??? I love you girls. So much,” she captioned the photo.
Or this photo with Jen and Matt LeBlanc.

In October, the entire main cast got together for a reunion dinner at Courteney’s house and took a few selfies. This was one of them!
“A rare night and I love it,” she captioned it.
Or the time she had lunch with Matthew Perry in November, and posted a selfie of the two of them.

“Guess who I had lunch with today….I KNOW!! Could I BE any happier? #realfriends,” she wrote .
Things got even MORE exciting for fans last month when it was announced that there is going to be an official “Friends” reunion.
“Jennifer Aniston, Courteney C*x, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer will return to the original “Friends” soundstage, Stage 24, on the Warner Bros. Studio lot in Burbank to celebrate the long-running series, which ended its run in 2004,” Variety reported .
Initially, fans were sceptical, as rumors of a reunion had been swirling around the web for years.
But there was no denying its validity after each cast member posted about it on their social media pages.
“It’s happening… @hbomax @courteneycoxofficial @lisakudrow @mleblanc @mattyperry4 @ schwim ,” Jennifer Aniston wrote on Instagram.
Anyways, in the wake of all this “Friends” excitement, Matthew Perry commented the most hilarious thing on Courteney’s recent TikTok.

To avoid catching or spreading the coronavirus, Courteney has been socially distancing herself. So naturally, she got bored and decided to film herself dancing the “Why Is Everything Chrome?” challenge.
“Could this be why Coco and Johnny are socially distancing themselves from me? #bored #quarentine,” she captioned the video.

I can only imagine what her 15-year-old daughter thinks of this.
I have nothing but respect for this video.

Not only is she doing the safe thing by quarantining herself, but she is also staying active and providing us with the most adorable form of entertainment.
Of all the comments Courteney received on this video, there was one that stood out in particular, for obvious reasons.
Matthew Perry chimed in, saying what the rest of us are thinking.
As you can probably tell by the number of likes this comment got, fans loved it.

This is the most Monica Geller & Chandler Bing moment I’ve ever seen.
I think we can all agree that our day is better because of Matthew’s comment.

The video itself was amazing. But the comment was the real cherry on top!
Watch the full video here:
Let us know what you think of Courteney C*x’s rendition of the “Why Is Everything Chrome?” TikTok challenge in the comments below!
Last Updated on March 17, 2020 by Elizabeth Spina