Some people seem to have all the know-how in the world. I don’t know how that happens, ha, ha. Perhaps their parents were a little better at teaching them stuff. That might be the case after all.
This one man is sharing some useful #LifeHacks on TikTok that he didn’t learn until he was 30-years-old. I bet a few of these tips you also didn’t know about, so let’s check it out together, huh?
This Fridge Hack

Did you know that you can change the direction your refrigerator door opens? Aha! I knew that. Well, my fiancé informed me of that. There are hinges that you can move to the other side if you want the doors to open in the opposite direction you’ve got now.
And This Fridge Hack

Speaking for the refrigerator, here’s another nifty hack this guy shared on TikTok. I knew this, but if you didn’t, I’m about to blow your mind. Did you know that the shelves inside of your fridge are adjustable? Oh, yeah! Have fun with that one, ha, ha.
This Cooking Hack

How many of you love to cook? Raise your hand. How about frying some yummy potatoes or other things on the frying pan? Yum! But how do you stop the oil from splashing everywhere? Well, apparently, a pinch of salt will do the trick. OMG, how did I not know that?
This Costco Tip

Costco is a great place to shop, especially if you like to buy things in bulk. But what if you don’t have a membership? Well, don’t worry about it. You can still shop at Costco without a membership if you have a store gift card. Voilà!
This Hard-Boiled Egg Hack
Check this out: If you ever struggle to peel that hard-boiled egg, you have to use this trick. Crack the egg and then use the spoon to lift the skin off of it. According to this video, it totally works.
This Fast-Food Hack

Isn’t it annoying when you pick up your fast-food order through the drive-thru, but now it’s going to spill all over your seat? Instead, buckle it up on the seat next to you. Bonus tip: put the car seat warmer on to keep it from going cold.
This Medicine Bottle Hack
It’s super annoying when you have to open a pill bottle. Not only do you have to get through the child-proof lock, but then you’ve got that seal. The easiest way to break it is by using the notch on the bottle cap. See it in action below.
This Fabric Softener Fact

Here’s why you should ditch liquid fabric softener for good. Not only can it make fabrics more flammable, but it can also build up in your clothes over time. This will create a barrier to soap and water. Oh, yeah, that doesn’t sound right. So use sheep wool dryer b***s instead, okay?
This Sound Advice

I know you might be tempted to refrigerate everything for fear of things going bad, but hear me out — not everything needs to be in the fridge after all. Things like apple cider vinegar or hot sauce don’t need to be in the refrigerator at all.
This Travel Pillow Hack

If you like to travel a lot, listen up. I bet you’ve been using that travel pillow all wrong. How’s that, you ask? Well, do you put it in the front or back? Well, if you said the back — then, you would be wrong, ha, ha. The padded part is actually supposed to go in the front.
This Blow Dryer Tip

Here’s an appliance I use pretty often during the winter. I’m talking about the trusted blow dryer. I bet you didn’t know something about it, though. You’re supposed to clean the filter at the back of it. It collects hair, lint, and dust. Um, I’ve never cleaned this before, ha, ha.
This House Buying Tip

This one goes to anybody thinking of buying a house. Did you know that you don’t have to put 20% down? Oh, yes, that’s right. All you need is 5%. That’s definitely good news if you asked me.
This Coffee Hack
Who here likes their coffee with a little creamer? That’s me, hee-hee. But the easiest way to make it is to put the creamer in first. Then when you pour the coffee, it stirs itself. So simple, yet people seem to do it the other way.
This Plastic Straw Fun Fact

Why do reusable plastic straws have this ring on the bottom? Well, in case you didn’t know, it’s so when you put the straw in with the ring inside the cup, it prevents the straw from falling out. Voilà! You learn something every day, no?
This Earplug Tip
I always find it hard to put earplugs in my ears. They either stick out or just fall out. But there’s a trick to it all, and you need to roll them first. Then stick them in your ear so they can open up in the ear canal. That’s how you make sure they don’t fall out.
This Travel Tip

Here’s a cool travel hack. Instead of packing all your shirts folded neatly just roll them. That way, you can save so much more space for all the other stuff you need to pack away. You can also roll an entire outfit that way, too, hee-hee. You’re welcome.
This Zipper Fact
I know it can be embarrassing to find yourself with your zipper down. Don’t let that happen to you. So how do you prevent that? Simple, zippers have a lock. OMG, what? Yes, when the tab is pulled down, the zipper locks. Pull it up, and the zipper goes down.
This Can Opening Trick

Here’s something you probably have done wrong. Did you realize that to open a can with the can opener, you need to lay it flat? It does not go on the side. What, what? Oh, yeah. That’s right. Try it out.
I hope you found these clever life hacks helpful.

I sure learned a thing or two. So next time you want to crack that boiled egg, use a spoon. And never feel embarrassed again because your zipper was down — you know how to prevent that. Am I right? So, what other hacks have you discovered lately? I bet we would all like to know.
Last Updated on February 4, 2022 by Kasia Galifi