There are many things in life that people are interested in that we just will never truly understand. Some people have attractions and fetishes that are totally uncommon and unique in their own right. To us, it seems rather crazy and insane. But, to the individuals themselves, it is totally normal and sane. With over 7 billion people living on this planet , it’s safe to say that some people find interests in everyday items that we just never would find “attractive.”
Many times when we hear about “fetishes” and attractions, we think of the human body.

People all over the world have interests and attractions that are unique to them, but most of the time it does include human anatomy. Some people love feet, while other people love hands and fingers. There are all different kinds of attractions when it comes to intimacy.
Some may be interested in the way someone is dressed.

Style and fashion go hand-in-hand with sexual attraction, and many times, people may include fashion and attraction all in one. The B**M subculture includes a plethora of fashion statements and outfits that arouse and interest individuals who like black, leather, and even latex.
However, it’s not every day that you hear individuals who are attracted to inanimate objects.

It’s not every day that you hear or see people who are turned on and aroused by inanimate objects, the same way that they would like and be attracted to the human body. However, these people do exist in the world, and they are always willing to tell their stories.
Julius, 62, is a man who has a love for balloons.

While many people enjoy balloons for special occasions like birthdays or other events, Julius is an individual who has a deep love and obsession with balloons that goes far beyond “special occasions.” Instead, Julius loves having balloons around, as he describes it, as an “attraction.”
Currently, in his home, Julius has over 50,000 balloons.

Julius has rooms, drawers, and closets filled with all different types of balloons . They range in size, color, and even texture, and material. The obsession with balloons stems from his peak interest in his childhood, and from there, it spiraled out.
Julius is not alone, however, in his addiction to balloons.

Julius says there are “thousands of people” around the world who have the same type of love and affection for balloons. And, they’re called “looners.” But, there are two types of looners—those who get off to the balloons themselves, and those who get off to the balloons popping. Julius says he is a “non-popper.”
The “intimate attraction” that Julius has with the balloons runs deep.

“They’re beautiful. They’re soft, smooth, delicate. I have a connection with them.
Intellectually, I know that balloons are not alive. But sometimes I wonder if it’s my love for them that brings them to life,” Julius says.
In addition, Julius will “rescue” balloons he feels are in danger.

Julius will go to car dealerships and other places where he feels balloons are in danger in order to “rescue them” and give them a “better life.” Sometimes, this includes stealing balloons from places and companies and bringing them home to his house to live a “more fulfilling life.”
Julius admits he sleeps in his “balloon sanctuary every night.”

The room in his home that is covered in balloons of all shapes, sizes, and colors is where he spends his night, every night. Julius claims waking up in that room makes him feel “happy” and complete. Although Julius loves his balloons, he is married, as well. His wife thinks it’s “a bit crazy” but apparently, supports him.
While Julius’ family has tried to get him help, Julius doesn’t see anything wrong with it.

Julius’ family has tried to get him help, including his nephew who is an addiction counselor. However, Julius sees nothing wrong with his life and obsession with balloons. He claims that “no one is in danger” and “no one is getting hurt,” so there is no reason to stop his love for his balloons.
Last Updated on February 22, 2022 by Lex Gabrielle