Every relationship is different, which is why it isn’t good to compare yours to someone else’s. Some people date for a few months before getting engaged and end up being together for a lifetime. Others wait a few years, but still end up getting a divorce down the road.
One anonymous Reddit user share how his girlfriend gave him a pretty obvious hint that she was kind of hoping to be engaged after they’d been together for years. He posted a pic of a letterboard they share that she’d changed. The pic ended up on the Funny sub , so who knows if it was a joke or not. But that didn’t stop users from sharing their two cents in the comments.
The Letterboard In Question:
The Message Is Pretty Loud And Clear.
In fact, it’s hard to say that this was a “hint” to begin with. The letterboard, which sits on a desk next to a picture of an adorable dog, reads, “3178 days together and we’re still not engaged.” Something tells me the girlfriend is ready to take the next step in their relationship.
To be fair, though, 3178 days is a pretty long time to be together without being married. It’s well over eight and a half years. Of course, not every couple stays together with the goal of getting married, but you’d think this couple would’ve at least talked about it at some point.
Commenters Couldn’t Help But Make Jokes About The Picture.
Redditors joked about how she might be rushing things a little. Ironic, since she’s been with her boyfriend for the better part of a decade without a ring. Others joked that maybe they’re actually in the bro phase, and haven’t even taken the next step to being boyfriend and girlfriend. Now that would be hilarious.
More Users Joked About How They Should Get To Know Each Other Better.
Some even shared their own stories about how they got engaged after being with their partner for a long time. For some, there’s really no rush to get married, so long as the relationship is going well.
Others Were Just Impressed By How Long OP And His GF Have Been Together.
I don’t know about you, but the idea of getting divorced sounds awful. It might be better to just stay in a long-term relationship for years, rather than to rush into a marriage that’s doomed to fail.
Last Updated on December 1, 2022 by Ashley Hunte