Picture this: It’s lunchtime, you’re with your co-workers, watching a funny episode of Family Guy, and suddenly, a wild claim about women’s anatomy pops up in the conversation. What do you do? Well, one person decided to set the record straight and debunk their co-worker’s bizarre comment, leading to a heated debate and some hurt feelings. Let’s dive into this hilarious tale of lunchtime laughs and anatomy lessons!
Family Guy Episode Sparks Debate
Co-worker ‘Mary’ Chimes In ️
Laughter Erupts
Mary’s Wild Claim ♀️
Setting the Record Straight
Vaginal Farts: The Truth
Mary Storms Off
Post-Shift Confrontation
Defending the Truth ️
Private vs. Public
Standing Up for Knowledge
The Great Anatomy Debate: Who’s in the Wrong? ♀️
So there you have it, folks. A hilarious lunchtime debate sparked by a Family Guy episode and one co-worker’s wild claim about women’s anatomy. Our protagonist couldn’t help but laugh and set the record straight, but was it the right thing to do? Some co-workers thought it was wrong to correct Mary in front of everyone, while others might argue that it’s important to stand up for the truth and debunk misinformation. What do you think? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this situation…
Debunking wild comments and calling out s**t-shaming behavior. #NTA
Correcting geographical facts and calling out misogyny at work. NTA
Debunking the myth of ‘respectable women’ with humor
Debunking loose v****a myth with a touch of sadness
NTA Mary needs a better anatomy lesson
Debunking misinformation and standing up for women’s health
Standing up for facts and shutting down ignorance. NTA
Shaming others for women’s anatomy is not cool, period
Standing up for facts and shutting down ignorance like a hero
Avoiding HR is always a win. NTA, but ESH vibes.
NTA shuts down s**t-shaming co-worker, no room for misogyny
Inappropriate workplace discussions? ESH agrees it’s a legal risk
Body-shaming Marys s**k. NTA stands up for body positivity
Calling out misinformation and s**t-shaming women. NTA for sure
Sexual activity doesn’t change vulval appearance. Don’t believe the myths
Keeping it professional at work is always a good idea
Calling out harmful disinformation about women’s anatomy in the workplace
Watching Family Guy at work? ESH, but Mary’s s**t shaming too
Yoga could be a real eye-opener for Mary NTA wins!
Shame is consensual, but she feels stupid. Learn and grow
Defending against ignorance and shame: NTA wins the day
Childhood memories of women’s anatomy mishaps. NTA wins!
Standing up for what’s right, even if it makes waves!
NTA for correcting misinformation, Mary is childish and AH
Calling out s**t-shaming: NTA for debunking co-worker’s comment
Fighting fake news for a better world!
Myth busted: Multiple partners ≠ loose v****a. ♀️
Co-worker’s ignorance on herpes simplex 1 is perpetual
Standing up against ignorance and discrimination is never wrong
Hilarious misunderstanding about bodily functions needs clarifying
Empathetic reply highlights importance of correcting misinformation
Workplace hypocrisy exposed in anatomy discussion. NTA wins.
The anatomy joke gets debunked with hilarious and informative comment.
Standing up against abuse and ignorance. Not the a**hole.
Educating not shaming: NTA for debunking harmful ideas
NTA defends against woman shaming her for f*****g
Defending women’s anatomy and shutting down ignorance. NTA wins.
Standing up to workplace bullies: NTA, don’t back down
Educating ignorance without shaming. NTA wins this one
Youth leader blamed for ignorant v*g f**t comment.
NTA shuts down co-worker’s false comment, Mary needs improvement
Defending against anatomy shaming with NTA comment.
NTA comment praises correcting mistakes and mocks society norms.
NTA commenter defends shaming a narrow-minded co-worker.
Breaking the stigma around women’s anatomy with humor
Public misinformation corrected, but is fact-checker an a**hole?
NTA commenter finds co-worker’s comment funny, not shaming.
Correcting misinformation about women’s bodies is important
Educating co-workers on anatomy, including the infamous ‘q***f’
Debunking sexist myth with facts, NTA shuts down co-worker’s judgement.
Handling anatomy discussions at work: NTA, but be respectful
Defending women’s anatomy leads to workplace bullying. Report to HR
Empowering response to shaming of sexually active women
Clap back with knowledge! Mary got debunked. NTA
Dispelling women’s anatomy myths: NTA for correcting co-worker’s misinformation.
Educational comment helps relieve shame about women’s anatomy
Educating others on their prejudices is important. #NTA
NTA defends against Mary’s ignorance in hilarious takedown
Standing up against misinformation and misogyny. You go, NTA!
Woman faces public backlash for misogynistic comment, plays victim card
Last Updated on February 14, 2024 by Diply Social Team