FINALLY! Good things come to those who wait, and every Lucifer fan has become an expert on waiting in the past few weeks.
We’ve all been patiently waiting (or not so patiently, depending on who you ask) for news of Lucifer ‘s Season 5 premiere date on Netflix, and we’ve finally got an answer!
It wasn’t too long ago that *Lucifer* showrunner Ildy Modrovich got fans hyped up for a release date announcement.
When she shared a sweet cast photo and captioned it “hope to see them very soon” with a winking emoji and a purple devil emoji, fans (correctly) assumed that this meant a date for the Season 5 premiere on Netflix would be announced soon.
They were right!
“And now, for your viewing enjoyment, we present 66.6 seconds of #lucifer’s hottest, sexiest, most downright devilish moments,” tweeted the official Twitter account for the show alongside a compilation video, and then added, “season 5 part 1 drops august 21 on netflix” with an appropriately devilish evil smiling emoji.
Of course, fans were ecstatic.
After one fan asked the account to “Never leave us again,” the Lucifer account explained its long silence by saying they’d been “wfh (working from h**l).”
I’m sure anyone who’s been working from home lately can agree with that sentiment!
Fans also noticed a pretty steamy moment right at the end of the trailer.
I can’t wait!
How excited are you for Season 5? Will you be watching as soon as it becomes available? Let us know in the comments section below!
Even more good news — the show’s been renewed for a sixth season!
On Twitter, the Lucifer Netflix account tweeted one amazing message: “The devil made us do it. Lucifer will return for a sixth and final season. like, FINAL final.”
Do you hear that? That’s millions of Lucifer fans shrieking all in unison.
Netflix confirmed it on their end.
It does seem appropriate to have a show about the devil himself end on the sixth season, even if truthfully I would watch this show until the actual 666th season if it was possible.
How excited are you for season 6?
I can’t wait to watch season 5 and see all the fan theories about how the show will end!
How do you think the final season will end? Let us know in the comments!
Last Updated on June 22, 2020 by Rae Batchelor