What? There’s no way. I’ve heard of white-washing before, but usually, they do it with like a fictional character or something. But with one of the most famous black people of all time?
There’s no way.
Thankfully, it never happened, but it was seriously talked about.
So that movie ‘Harriet’ came out recently.
It’s the story of a slave woman who turned abolitionist, helping her fellow slaves get from the pro-slavery South to the North, where they wouldn’t be slaves.
Just second class citizens.
The film’s screenwriter and producer Gregory Allen Howard started working on this project back in 1994.
And when he originally pitched it, the responses he got were both positive… and pretty darn confusing.
He told the L.A. Times all about the first time he pitched his movie recently.
And he says that “Hollywood was very different back then”.
Apparently, the executives loved the script. But he says they had some… interesting casting choices for Harriet herself:
“I was told how one studio head said in a meeting, ‘This script is fantastic. Let’s get Julia Roberts to play Harriet Tubman’”
But wait, there’s more!
When another studio head suggested that there was no way Julia Roberts could play Harriet Tubman, the former exec replied:
“‘It was so long ago. No one is going to know the difference.'”
Last Updated on November 20, 2019 by Jake Bean