Jennifer Aniston is one of the most beloved people in entertainment because of her role as Rachel Green on Friends .
She’s done plenty of movies, but she will forever be remembered on ‘Friends’.
‘Friends’ is one of the most iconic sitcoms of all time.

And with it came some of the most iconic couples of all time.
One of them being Ross and Rachel.
Ross and Rachel were known for more than just their great love.

They were known for their ability to be…overdramatic.
Ross’ famous lines “We were on a break,” have stayed with us to this day.
Now that the show is over, fans have one very important question:

What the heck happened to Ross and Rachel?
Are they still together? Or aren’t they? Well, Aniston said that…they’re on a break.
Here’s the proof!

She was probably just kidding around (hopefully).
What do you think? Are they on a break? Let us know in the comments!
Last Updated on October 17, 2019 by Diply