When you’ve made a career out of bringing joy to the world, there’s no reason to stop when the time comes to wind your work life down.
For David Klein, the founder of jelly bean empire Jelly Belly, the time to retire is going to be just as much fun as anything else in his life has been and he’s going out with a heavy nod to another candy icon: W***y Wonka.
Have you ever dreamed of owning your own candy factory?
Or finding a golden ticket in your candy for that matter? Of course, who hasn’t?
For a few lucky folks, that dream just might come true thanks to Klein, who announced a massive, country-wide treasure hunt in a recent press release .
There are, in fact, many treasure hunts in this contest.

In what should hopefully involve fewer misfortunes for misbehaved children, each state will have its own treasure hunts where entrants will vie for a $5,000 prize.
Each treasure hunt costs $49.99 to enter with a maximum of 1,000 entrants. No matter whether you manage to find the golden ticket, in the form of a necklace with a secret code on it, or not, you’ll be eligible for the final, grand treasure hunt.
The winner of that last treasure hunt, of course, takes home the big prize.
The lucky winner gets the key to a candy factory, as well as an all-expenses-paid trip to candy-making university. However, the last and biggest treasure hunt only takes place after all the states have had their chances to play.
Some golden tickets are already out there.
“We’ve already hidden quite a few of them,” Klein said in a video announcing the contest. “We’re going to be hiding them in every state across the country.”
“With The Gold Ticket Treasure hunt, our goal is to get people out and about with their families. Grandma and Grandpa can even join with the kids and grandkids,” Klein added in the press release.
Check out thegoldticket.com or The Gold Ticket Facebook group for more info.
Last Updated on September 8, 2020 by Ryan Ford