Oh wow, Jason Momoa is doing something cute again? Who would’ve thought this would happen?
Seriously though, I swear that this big, intimidating Hawaiian dude does more cute things than kittens.
Well, it’s been a very big year for Marvel.

With 2019 coming to a close, we can all confidently say that Marvel probably won this year, at least when it comes to movies.
They absolutely, positively, without a doubt crushed it.
DC on the other hand…

DC, what did you do this year?
Well, there was Shazam! .
You announced a whole bunch of cartoons and upcoming movies (that Harley Quinn one, the Robert Pattinson Batman).
And… er… hm… I guess that was it.
Lucky for you, DC, you have one saving grace.

And that would be Jason Momoa.
He’s in the news constantly, whether he’s protesting a telescope in Hawaii, or doing cute stuff , you’re very lucky he’s associated with your movies, DC.
And look! Here he is being cute again!
Recently he went too… some press tour. Apple SEE? It doesn’t matter, he took some very adorable photos with Gal Gadot and captioned it: “It’s been a amazing 48 hours.”
Aw! How cute! It almost makes me forget about Justice League being bad!
Last Updated on October 25, 2019 by Jake Bean