There’s nothing we love more than Jason Momoa.
Well, maybe we also love when celebrities use their power to warm the hearts and improve the lives of others. If it was Jason Momoa doing those things, it might just be our favorite news story of the year.
If you agree with that, I’ve got great news for you.
Earlier this month a 7-year-old boy named Danny went viral after opening a present.
Danny has been fighting a rare form of brain cancer and has been undergoing some intense treatments for it. This didn’t stop him from enjoying the holiday spirit when unwrapping a present of a figurine of his favorite superhero, Aquaman.
Jason Momoa himself heard the news and got in touch with Danny over FaceTime.

“So I just wanted to say thank you to the community, friends and family on Instagram for reaching out and showing me this beautiful boy Danny who is going through chemo and has cancer,” Jason wrote on Instagram alongside the video of himself on the phone with Danny, who excitedly yells that it’s Aquaman as soon as he sees Jason.
Jason used the post to draw attention to Danny’s story and to help promote Danny’s family’s Go Fund Me page.

“I saw his video online that made me want to get in touch and FaceTime him and spend some time talking to him. . If you would like to help out and read more about his story and his family his go fund me is in my IG story and LINK IN BIO!”
Danny’s Go Fund Me page can be found right here .
Jason ended his post with a call to action we can all get behind!
“Hey [Warner Bros Pictures], let’s get Danny an Aquaman trident!” he wrote.
You can watch the adorable videos for yourself right here. We love when huge celebrities like Jason take the time out of their day to remind us why we love them so much in the first place!
Last Updated on November 19, 2020 by Rae Batchelor