If the name Jameela Jamil sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because she’s my fav’ new Hollywood s**t disturber. Jameela has been staring in everyone’s new favorite show The Good Place for the past two years, while also simultaneously shutting down the patriarchy.
Here she is man spreading all over the patriarchy, slaying us with jumpsuit realness.

She has also been instrumental in the #saynotoairbrushing campaign, which urges celebrities to post photos of themselves totally untouched.
We love and appreciate a feminist icon who understands the importance of personal growth and change.
“We aren’t free until all of us are free.”
Jameela has called out multiple celebs for their unhealthy and honestly lame AF “fit tea” Instagram endorsements and sponsorships.
Like when she called out Cardi B for being a “detox” tea spokesperson, and then famously said she wishes they would all
Jameela then went on to emphasize the importance of fiber, vegetables and a HEALTHY DIET!
Which I mean…is something that shouldn’t even need to be said to people, but hi 2019!!
With social media being so influential in most people’s everyday lives, advertisements for diet teas and supplements are so INCREDIBLY dangerous.

We love and stan talking to medical, trained professionals!!!!!!
But she didn’t stop at Cardi B. Jameela also called out Iggy Azalea for having plastic surgery, but pretending her body was created by meal replacement shakes.
“It’s so embarrassing and it’s encouraging of eating disordered behavior.”
As far as the Kardashian family goes, Jameela hasn’t held back on the billionaire bunch.
These appetite suppressant lollipops sparked much controversy over their dangerous and unhealthy message.
So when Khloe recently posted this on her Instagram story, people felt a little uncomfortable…

I can list a lot of other things I want more than losing weight, and eating is an essential part of being a functioning human so….
Jameela was right there to shut this ish down.
Jameela was not down for blaming Khloe, but blaming the diet culture enforced by the people around her.
Khloe has also endorsed the meal replacement shakes, promoting rapid weight loss to her nearly 90 million Insta followers.

It’s no secret that Khloe has been subjected to insane amounts of critique about her body and fat shamed ever since Keeping Up With The Kardashians debut in 2007.
Khloe has struggled with her weight for most of her adult life, sharing her story on KUWTK.

She also talks about her body image issues on her own reality show, Revenge Body where she helps other people lose weight and feel better about themselves.
It has also been difficult for Khloe because she has constantly been compared to her smaller sisters.

She told People back in 2015, “Being compared to my sisters was something I was used to. But being compared in such a harsh way I just thought, ‘Okay, that’s my role.’ So I started saying it before people. I was like, ‘Okay, I’m the fat, funny sister. Who cares?’ I almost let that take ownership of me. [In reality] I wasn’t fat; I wasn’t obese. But I would let society make me believe that I was.”
She continued, saying that her family sat down and essentially told her that her weight was not “on brand.”
Khole continued “[They said] Khloé, you got to lose weight ’cause you’re really hurting the brand”, she recalled, before adding, “I’m a huge believer of it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it… I understand that was coming from my management side of my family, but it does hurt.”
As upsetting and disheartning as this hear to here, few people could say it’s surprising.

Older sister Kim Kardashian is an avid promoter of flat tummy detox teas and meal replacement shakes.
Let’s not forget when this video was posted on Kim’s Insta story this past July…
The video is just literally Khloe telling Kim how skinny and amazing she looks and how proud she is of her.
Naturally, the scrutiny Khloe has faced from the media and also her own family has upset a lot of people.

This latest Insta story from Khloe is one of many problematic examples of the unhealthy relationship she has with her body.
Thankfully, our patron saint of self love and body positivity Jemeela was ready to tweet out some wisdom and guidance in defense of Khloe.

I truly stan how much she respects Khloe and wants to help millions of women who have the same body image issues as her.
She acknowledged that Khloe has been torn apart by media outlets and her own sisters for over a decade.

While the brand of her TV show Revenge Body has a very strong fat shaming undertone, emphasizing the importance of getting a “hot body” in order to feel validation, doesn’t help.
But unfortunately, Khloe is still responsible for her actions and the message she is promoting to millions of young, vulnerable fans.
Promoting thinness as the ultimate goal for women is incredibly problematic and heartbreaking.
As Jameela has said before, these celebrities are not using these products they promote to achieve their “perfect” figure.
They have teams of plastic surgeons, nutritionists and personal trainers at their disposal.
Khloe’s sister Kendall Jenner has also recently come under fire for being the new face of Proactive.
The idea of Kendall using Proactive is laughable, as the 23 year old is the highest paid model in the world — she has access to everything and they want us to believe she chose Proactive?
And now she too will make millions off of endorsing a product many believe she has never used, making mad bank off of peoples insecurities.
Which makes me so sad!!! As someone who has struggled with cystic acne, Proactive does horrible things to your skin and is NOT worth the money!
Khloe has always been my fav’ dash doll, and I just hope she and all these other “influencers” stop promoting such harmful and problematic products.
But if they don’t, please remember this pic’ of Jameela showing the harsh reality of what these laxative teas do to your body.

Last Updated on January 10, 2019 by Anastasia Ross