There’s a lot we take for granted in life . Most people carry out their daily tasks in a fluctuating state of autopilot awareness, never questioning or second-guessing the world around them.
But thanks to TikTok user @sydneyraz , all of that is beginning to change. Over the past few years, Sydney has become well-known for his clever lifehacks. Today, he’s here to show us that there’s a better way to make popcorn.
Popcorn is a staple movie snack, enjoyed in homes and in theaters all over the world.
There’s nothing quite like the airy, delicious, butter-soaked taste of freshly popped popcorn. It’s the hands-down perfect pairing for any film and makes the overall moviegoing experience all the better.
The best thing about popcorn is that anyone can make it.
So long as you can read a basic set of instructions, and possess the proper know-how to work a kitchen microwave, then yes — you too can “make” popcorn.
One thing you always have to watch out for, however, is accidentally biting down on an uncooked kernel.
Biting into an uncooked kernel of corn is as universal as stubbing one’s toe — we’ve all done it and understand how painful and uncomfortable it can be. Worse yet is when it gets stuck in your teeth!
After all this time, you’d think there’d be a simple way to avoid this from happening.
Well, thanks to a recent TikTok video posted by the proverbial lifehack master @sydneyraz, we now know the proper way to cook and enjoy a bag of microwave popcorn — without the risk of chipping a tooth.
The video begins like all the others — “Here’s something I wish i knew before I was in my 30s…”
Sydney then directs our attention to the small opening at the top of the popcorn bag. It turns out, that’s not just a steam vent after all.
“You’re supposed to shake out the popcorn kernels that haven’t popped!” Sydney exclaims.
Once the bag has finished popping, remove it from the microwave but don’t open it yet! Grab a bowl, turn the popcorn bag upside down, and start to gently shake it.
Sure enough, all of the un-popped kernels will begin to fall out.
“Oh my God! Look at all those unpopped kernels!” Sydney proclaims in utter amazement. The simplicity of his method is what’s most astonishing — it really does work!
This means no more chipped teeth or unexpected trips to the dentist’s chair!
You can finally, for perhaps the first time ever, enjoy a delicious bag of microwave popcorn without fear of a potential oral injury. Sydney even has a suggestion as to what you can do with all the unpopped kernels.
Simply put them back in the bowl, with a microwave safe cover on top, and reheat the unpopped kernels!
It may be that some of the kernels are, in fact, “dead”, but others simply need a little more time in order to pop. That way, you wind up wasting absolutely nothing.
Sydney’s popcorn hack has been a revelation, racking up more than 21 million views on TikTok.
“I feel like I should be paying tuition from how much I learn from you,” joked fellow TikTok user @cindychendesigns .
“I wish I knew this before I choked on a kernel and nearly died as a kid,” @calista_sunflower said.
So the next time you sit down to watch your favorite movie, give Sydney’s popcorn hack a try for yourself!
I assure you that shaking a bag of popcorn has never been more fun or more satisfying. And if you happen to eat as I do (like a pig), you’ll need no longer worry about accidentally biting into a painfully hard popcorn kernel.
Last Updated on November 11, 2021 by Jordan Claes