Ivanka Trump is many things to many people, but perhaps most universally, she’s a mother. Ivanka has three children, Arabella, Joseph, and Theodore. Like all kids, they sometimes have accidents and get hurt.
Ivanka shared an update after a scary incident that happened to Arabella.

Taking to her Instagram stories, Ivanka wrote, “Yesterday Arabella slipped playing Gaga and hit her head hard.”
Gaga is a game similar to dodgeball, where players try to strike each other with a foam ball.
“Thankfully, she is fine,” Ivanka added.

“Parents/caregivers: below is an excellent resource for concussions or TBI (traumatic brain injuries) that is worth reading and passing along,” Ivanka wrote, attaching a link to a fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .
The fact sheet explained how to spot concussions in children playing sports or are otherwise highly active.

The CDC states that signs of a concussion include their child appearing dazed, forgetting instructions, or behaving clumsily. They might also forget what happened before the fall or blow to the head.
Other symptoms include headache, nausea, balance problems, blurry vision, concentration problems, and sensitivity to light and noise.

Children who return to sport or activities too soon are at the highest risk of another concussion, according to the CDC. They also state that “More than 800,000 children a year are taken to emergency departments in the U.S. every year for traumatic brain injury.”
Ivanka did not state whether or not Arabella suffered a concussion.

It is still important to be aware of these signs and symptoms in children, especially since kids are prone to accidents when they’re playing.
We’re glad Arabella is okay!
Last Updated on September 20, 2019 by Rae Batchelor