Halloween may be over, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to get spooked ! There are still plenty of scares to be had, both this year and beyond. Hopefully they don’t end up being that scary, though.
Well, without any further ado, here are some pretty creepy pics. They might make you hypersensitive to every creak in your house from now on, but that’s fine (mostly)!
“Burro with a Bird Statue in Palm Coast, FL.”

This statue would probably be fine if the donkey wasn’t standing upright. The fact that it has human legs but animal feet is pretty unnerving. I would like to never see this again, thank you very much.
“Squirrel joins in the Halloween fun with terrifying toy filled with treats.”

Yeah, I’m pretty sure this squirrel has given at least a dozen people heart attacks at this point. This is why you should keep track of your Halloween decorations, folks!
The inside of this church is probably way creepier than the outside.

Have you ever walked by an exceptionally creepy church and wondered what the inside looked like (but were too scared to check)? Well, now you know. And I’m sure if you’re like me, you were better off not knowing.
Just another regular day on the subway.

Judging by the way not a single soul in the picture is paying that swamp monster any mind, they’re probably used to things like this by now. I guess that’s par for the course for any big city.
“Old root cellar that came with our house.”

I can only imagine what kinds of creepy things someone could put on these shelves. A shrunken head in a jar, maybe. Or a tiny alien in a jar. Basically just things in jars, as long as they’re extra spooky.
“A puppy training room at my gf’s aunt’s farm…”

Are… are the puppies training to become serial killers? Because this looks more like the room where the bad guy and the cop face off in, like, 50% of horror flicks. Probably just the lighting, though. And the lack of proper flooring.
A foggy night in the park.

Luckily, most people don’t use playgrounds at night. But if you run into one on an especially foggy night, and you happen to find someone sitting on one of the swings, you should probably turn around and run.
What kind of sick joke is this!?

Because the last thing any of us need is to think there’s a spider in our lamp ever time we turn it on. I have to admit, though, it’s a pretty convincing shadow. An evil genius put this together for sure.
“The Halloween costume I made.”

From the looks of it, the kid in the costume is having the time of their life. And even though it probably scared every single adult handing out candy this Halloween, it was definitely worth it.
“Believe it or not, these are cinnamon rolls.”

If you thought this was ground beef, or some kind of intestines, you’d be dead wrong! It’s just cinnamon roll dough dyed a nice, bright red. Perfect for when you want to trick your friends into thinking you’re a cannibal, I guess.
These sheep know what you’ve done.

I feel like the eyes of dozens of sheep are staring into my soul right now, looking at my every sin. They’re making me really regret not returning that library book on time 15 years ago!
A tub full of gas masks that just doesn’t look right.

I don’t see any reason to have this many gas masks, but I guess it’s a thing. And really, what else are you going to do with them other than wash them? The rubber from the masks kind of smells, after all.
Demon dog, anyone?

I’m sure we all have dozens (hundreds) of pictures of our pets on our phones, but trying to capture a dog that likes to move can be kind of tricky. It looks like this dog was either too fast for the shutter, or it’s possessed by a king of H**l.
“This vintage broken doll display.’

The sign in the middle is supposed to be heartwarming, but it somehow makes this display even creepier. It’s easy to love a person no matter what, but a lot harder to love a doll in the same way.
This rotting jack-o-lantern is genuinely terrifying!

I’m not sure if the mold was intentional (like, how could it be?), but it’s really working for this pumpkin’s whole look. I… probably wouldn’t keep it inside the house for very long, though.
I think they may need some help…

Okay, sure, it’s just a glove floating in that strange basin. But it’s hard to not imagine a person attached to it. The only question that remains is, is this someone in need of help, or someone luring you into a trap…?
“Edge clothing store at the Miracle Mile shops in Las Vegas.”

As much as I complain about how creepy mannequins are, I’d prefer a regular one to this. The lack of hands, feet, or heads makes these ones look kind of cursed. The cone shapes really don’t help, either.
“This sheep chew toy that my dog has worked through.”

Honestly, this could be a really terrifying image if it were edited differently. It genuinely looks like some kind of horror movie ghost or monster. And, uh, it’s really creeping me out.
This cake looks like Sonic the Hedgehog, but more cursed.

I can’t imagine this wasn’t made to look as horrifying as possible. And if that was, in fact, the goal, then the cake decorator did a really good job. Even if it did ruin my childhood a little bit.
As if I needed the reminder…

I think what makes this sign even creepier is that it was written from the perspective of the people buried in the cemetery. Like, it’s pretty spooky, and that’s probably what makes it as effective as it is.
Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Ashley Hunte