Our country is divided by a lot of differing opinions on social issues, and there are few more currently relevant than that of illegal immigration.
Whether you’re protesting for the rights of Dreamers or for wall funding, it is difficult to find someone whose opinion on immigration is anywhere near ‘middle ground’.
Every aspect of immigrants’ lives has become up for debate, including ID.
On Monday, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a controversial law allowing illegal immigrants to be granted drivers licenses.

Cuomo defends the Green Light Bill by arguing that it allows immigrants to get to and from work,
“The legislation is well-crafted and contains ample protections for those who apply for driver’s licenses.”
Despite the new bill, several upstate NY clerks are refusing to grant illegal immigrants their licenses.

Erie County Clerk Michael Kerns believes the Green Light Bill conflicts with federal policy.
“In the memo of the bill, they talk about the reason why they’re passing this bill is to make sure that people who are here illegally can get to and from work,” he explains, “but there’s an inconsistency there.”
“It is illegal to hire people in the state of New York or anywhere that are here illegally.”

It seems as though these clerks and the Governor are at a stalemate: State Attorney General Letitia James has said her office is prepared to defend the measure if it is challenged in court, but Kerns and others are adamant that they will not abide by the new law.
Those suspected of entering the country illegally will not be granted licenses in certain areas of NY state.

Any immigrants without “essential documentation” applying for a drivers licenses in the Buffalo area will instead be redirected to the state-run auto bureau in Syracuse, about two hours away.
There is a possibility that Kerns will be stripped of his position.

If he and others are intentionally ignoring a bill signed by the Governor and passed through the state senate, Cuomo can easily say prevent Kerns from continuing as clerk.
Cuomo’s office has yet to comment on Kerns’ blatant dismissal of the bill.

The Green Light Bill will come into effect roughly six months from now, which means that there is plenty of time for others to challenge it in court.
h/t: New York Post
Last Updated on June 21, 2019 by Sydney Brooman