When a woman and her husband bought her grandparents’ house, they inherited a playground built by her grandfather. Parents from the neighborhood started using the playground, but things went awry when a child climbed onto the roof and fell. The woman put up a fence to protect herself from lawsuits, but when asked by her parents why she did it, she revealed the true reason and named the mother of the child who fell. Now the neighborhood is divided, and the woman wonders if she was too harsh. Was she the a**hole for telling the truth?
Grandpa built a playground on empty lot next door ❤️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/f33807dd-16a0-480f-bb69-47f5d7f5498c.png)
A beloved childhood play area lost after family tragedy.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/ac141d09-4ae8-4aae-b9de-a61c024a568a.png)
Keeping it in the family! Exciting news for this couple
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/82b6570b-4095-405f-814d-a20fdb094124.png)
Neighbors upset over playground use in my yard. AITA?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/981a3536-bd0a-406b-b2da-2ae253179de9.png)
New neighbors with kids take over street, causing dilemma.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/93b94fd7-f051-43ab-b0e2-27da32de3eaf.png)
Kid climbing 10ft playhouse, AITA for not allowing access?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/b60f6e22-8020-4ac0-b035-5c741b11ee02.png)
Standing up for my property, am I the a**hole?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/dbfd7bd4-f450-4dee-93b9-b3e553718298.png)
Child falls in my yard, I explain why kids can’t play ♂️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/50c3f18f-45c0-497b-a263-5550f8b3835c.png)
Neighbor threatens to sue over kid getting hurt in my yard
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/ddcc8ca5-28b3-49c0-ba79-5360e082d0da.png)
My honesty about my yard has made me an outcast.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/41f31f41-dc39-4954-8217-8e36012ac87e.png)
Regretting honesty about yard safety. AITA for neighbor’s son’s punishment?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/c0248fcf-b0c1-4de1-9a48-793410185593.png)
Are they the A****e for putting up a fence?
A woman and her husband recently bought her grandparent’s house, which had a playground built by her grandfather in the adjacent lot. The previous owners had let neighborhood kids play there, but after the new owners moved in, a child fell and the mother threatened to sue. The new owners put up a fence to protect themselves from potential lawsuits and informed the other parents of the incident. As a result, the mother who threatened to sue has been shunned by the other parents, and the new owners are wondering if they should have just put up the fence without telling anyone about the incident. Do you think they were in the wrong for putting up the fence and telling the other parents the reason why? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Protecting your property from potential lawsuits, NTA.

Protecting your property and telling the truth. NTA

Putting up a fence to avoid medical bills. NTA.

Calling out entitled parents and preventing potential lawsuits. ♂️

Protecting your peace is important. NTA.

Protecting your property is important. NTA.

Avoiding lawsuits: A thoughtful decision. NTA.

Being cautious is key NTA made the right call.

Good call on the fence!

Explaining the situation and exposing bigotry.

Commenter educates others on racist phrase used in discussion.

Your property, your rules. NTA for keeping kids out! ♂️

Protect your property! NTA for enforcing rules.

Legalities of owning a property and protecting yourself from lawsuits.

Eliminating liability: One homeowner’s solution. NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/5f94e16b-b1d1-406c-83e1-806273a924f1.png)
Protecting your property: NTA for keeping kids out

Protect your property with no trespassing signs.

Protecting yourself from litigation. ️ NTA wins!

Protect your yard and your peace of mind with cameras

Protecting your property and children. NTA!

Standing up for your boundaries while feeling empathy.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/75ce2140-da00-4c83-ad1e-3c68fd8ee641.png)
Commenter calls out racism in NTA post

Being a responsible parent doesn’t make you an a****e
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/e767a062-e306-49ae-9682-3636815a5f00.png)
When a kid’s behavior is blamed on their parents.

Safety first! NTA for protecting yourself from potential lawsuits.

Can a sign protect you in the USA?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/ce39ac47-6abf-4a0d-809e-f24ee9043459.png)
Respectful property owner protects investment, NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/f823092c-866c-4e07-bfcf-f99e3f91a056.png)
Contract up to play, stay safe and have fun

Protecting oneself from entitled parents. ♀️

Protecting your interests doesn’t make you a bad person ♀️

Cultural differences in liability laws discussed in comments

Honesty is the best policy NTA for speaking truthfully

Protecting your property in a litigious society

Protecting your property and yourself legally. NTA

Protecting your property and being honest, NTA

Protecting your property and honesty prevails. ️

Standing up for safety and responsibility

Racism in the comments. Not cool.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/3c325b6f-3693-4a92-82a4-b411300e617b.png)
Standing up against hate. NTA for shunning a slur user.

Lawyer advises to post a sign and get insurance ASAP.

Your yard, your rules! NTA

Be careful, this entitled person may try to sue you

Putting up a fence: Sad for the kids, but necessary

Respect for property rights

Set boundaries and keep the peace
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/a7be524b-343e-4b33-8325-6b51e611c23c.png)
Protect your yard from entitled people. NTA.

Protecting my property and family from lawsuit-happy people. NTA ♂️

Protecting your property and children from lawsuits.

Protect your property and yourself, put up a fence

Building relationships with non-sucky neighbors

Neighbor Witch risks safety of children, NTA to protect family.

Setting boundaries is key NTA

Being honest has consequences ♀️

NTA for telling the truth, but be mindful of insults

Missed chance to talk to time traveler/vampire, cool insult though ♂️

Respect the rules of private property

Protecting the neighborhood: One woman’s actions caused a playground ban

Secure your property with signs and cameras to avoid liability. NTA.

Protecting your property and her child, NTA

Protecting your property and peace of mind with a fence

Selling the lot to the city for a playground ️ Great idea!

Unusual term usage but commenter is not at fault. NTA

Secure your yard! NTA recommends installing a security camera

Empathetic OP refuses to enable entitled neighbor’s behavior

Short and not so sweet NTA response

Protect your property and your peace. NTA

Protect your property, protect your peace ✌️

Protecting family, not a**hole.

Last Updated on March 17, 2023 by Azka