In a world where people thrive on routines, a TikTok user recently went viral for declaring herself too pretty to wake up early daily only to work and earn a living. The social media influencer @luluhasfun , a.k.a. Lucy Welcher, who has almost 100,000 followers and 10 million likes on the platform, shared her thoughts on the traditional 9 – 5.
Although the call time is 9:00 am, most adults wake up hours ahead to prepare for the day, especially those with families who have to cook and clean before leaving for work. In Lulu’s opinion, such a routine is beneath her for being pretty.
Too Pretty To Work
Lulu tagged working as a scam, saying she didn’t want to wake up every day at 6:00 am for the next sixty years. Then she added she’s too pretty for that sparking a debate in her comment section.
Many TikTok users called her out as insensitive, saying she relied on pretty privilege and was lazy, while some supported her suggestion with affirmations.
One person told Lulu her idea was unrealistic by saying, “You keep telling yourself that!”
Another said she was fairly attractive but not to the point of early retirement. Some commenters said,
“You’re so real for this,” while another added that they’d share the video with every employer they’ve ever had.
Making Money From Influencing Gigs
Lulu’s idea is possible if she finds someone to bankroll the rest of her life. The emerging remote work market post-COVID and the rise of social media influencing as a source of income provide a solution to her problem. The alternative is to find employment with flexible working hours, and she’s well on her way with her thriving TikTok account.
With influencing, she doesn’t have to wake up earlier than necessary, as all her work would be on her terms. Even when she gets contracts for brands, Lulu can choose the meeting and execution times. Now, that’s goals.
Living Your Best Life
While some comments tore her down for wanting a “soft life,” one user left an uplifting message saying,
“As long as you aren’t hurting anybody, use whatever you’ve got to live your best life. Some don’t have the option, so are jealous.”
The keywords include “not hurting anybody” and “live your best life.” We never know how long we have left on earth, so it’s best to use it wisely. There’s no point spending the rest of one’s life doing something one hates, although, for some people, it’s inevitable.
Tips For Early Retirement
Projecting sixty more years of work results from Lulu’s calculations on official working and retirement age. The official retirement age in the US is 66 -67, but many people work for shorter or longer years depending on certain factors.
For early retirement, it’s best to save for the rainy days – put in the hours as a youth and reap the benefits in old age. You can also work on making profitable investments such that your money works for you instead of against you. That way, you can relax while you receive the yield.
Last Updated on November 12, 2022 by Chisom Ndianefo