Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a doozy of a dilemma here. Picture this: Wifey’s been holding down the fort, working her b**t off to support Hubby’s dream career change. Meanwhile, Hubby wants to jet off to Europe for his bestie’s wedding, leaving Wifey alone with their two little ones. Is Wifey being an a****e for putting her foot down? Let’s dive in and find out!
Wedding Woes: Hubby’s European Escapade?
Pricey Post-Covid Travel Craze!
Hubby’s Solo Trip with Bestie? ♀️
AITA for Saying No F-ing Way?!
Hubby’s Costly Career Change
Breadwinner Wifey Works Passionless Job
️ Sold House, Moved in with Fam to Afford Hubby’s Dream
Default Momma 99% of the Time
Friend’s Meager Wedding Spend, No Gift
Intimate Wedding, Hubby 1 of 3 Friends Invited
Hubby Claims Wifey is Just Jealous! ♀️
H**l Yeah I’m Jealous! No Travels in Years!
♀️ Wifey’s Sacrifices for Hubby’s Dream
This is F-ed Up, Right?! AITA?
Internet Weighs In: Is Wifey the A****e?
Alright, let’s break this down: Wifey’s been busting her a** to keep the family afloat while Hubby pursues his passion. She’s sacrificed her own dreams and even sold her house ️ to make it happen. Now, Hubby wants to drop a pretty penny on a solo trip to Europe for his buddy’s wedding, leaving Wifey to juggle the kids and everything else. Hubby says she’s just jealous , but can you blame her? ♀️ It’s time to hear what the internet has to say about this juicy situation! Grab your popcorn, folks, and let’s see who’s the real a****e here!
Being a primary breadwinner and caregiver is tough, NTA for sure!
Priorities first! NTA for not prioritizing a lavish wedding.
Red flags in the marriage, NTA but concerns for the future
Depressed reader suggests solo spa weekend to drained wife. NTA.
Unreasonable husband wants lavish wedding, commenter says NTA
Husband wants lavish European wedding while not contributing to family expenses .
NTA. Suggests not to bring up leaving kids, calmly states financial reality.
NTA commenter offers advice on communication and appreciation.
Unemployed husband wants lavish wedding, called unbearable.
Supportive comment calls groom selfish for expecting too much. NTA.
NTA suggests divorce if husband prioritizes Europe over family.
Wife financially supports husband, but he wants lavish wedding abroad.
Celebrations don’t have to be expensive to be memorable!
Supportive commenter suggests calling out wedding guests’ hypocrisy. ♀️
Supportive comment against husband’s selfish behavior.
Disappointment turns to YTA after reading the edits.
Husband prioritizes his dreams over family. NTA.
Being an adult means prioritizing finances over lavish desires.
NTA, but spouse needs to step up and change dynamic!
NTA suggests husband decline lavish wedding and get a job
Protect your finances and stand up for yourself.
Married single mom struggles with husband’s lavish wedding plans.
Spouse prioritizes extravagance over family? NTA. You deserve better.
Husband wants lavish wedding but can’t afford it, wife disagrees.
Husband wants lavish European wedding, wants to dip into savings. NTA.
Financial struggle and unequal household responsibilities. Suggests seeking help.
NTA suggests a clever ultimatum for husband’s lavish wedding plan.
Don’t let him take advantage of you. You’re NTA
Friend paid for tickets, I paid for hotel, meals. $7k?! NTA
Husband’s expensive European wedding desire gets rightfully shut down.
Spouse wants to ditch family for fancy wedding? **Hard** no.
Supportive comment advises against husband’s lavish European wedding plan.
Declining wedding invitation with young kids is normal. Send regrets.
Take the vacation and let him mind the kids! #NTA
Spouse wants lavish wedding with combined savings. NTA for objecting.
Don’t foot the bill for his selfish Euro trip!
Being unable to afford it doesn’t make you the a**hole
NTA, divorce him and get a lawyer for repayment.
Single parent paying for spouse’s lavish wedding – NTA
Savage yet valid point about OP’s husband.
Wife is a solo parent and husband wants lavish wedding.
Take control of your finances and don’t enable him.
A comment calling out the wife for being both husband and wife, with a hint of frustration
Struggling to afford vacation, husband wants to attend expensive wedding. Commenter can relate and offers support. NTA
Husband wants lavish euro wedding but NTA needs to put foot down
Husband wants lavish wedding but has responsibilities. NTA for OP.
Red flags raised about husband’s intentions.
Stand up for yourself and your finances
Taking loans for lavish wedding is an automatic divorce? NTA
NTA for not being able to afford lavish European wedding on short notice
NTA but wife needs to save money for herself and kids
NTA and couples counseling is recommended to address financial stress.
Support for NTA: Stand up for yourself and your family
Husband wants lavish wedding without wife? NTA says comment
OP’s spouse is a financial burden and wants a lavish wedding.
Get a loan from him, let him go, change locks. NTA.
Priorities and finances clash in decision for lavish trip.
NTA for not wanting to ditch family for lavish wedding!
Equal partnership is key in a marriage ❤️
NTA’s financial responsibility drags hubby from lavish Euro wedding!
Protect your assets! NTA suggests moving joint funds.
Husband wants to ditch family for lavish wedding
A supportive comment suggests alternatives for ditching wife & kids
Why keep a husband who doesn’t contribute? NTA
Supportive comment, no replies. Enraged on your behalf.
Empathetic reply to justified anger.
Disgustingly selfish husband wants to ditch family for wedding
NTA. Selfish husband wants lavish wedding, leaving wife & kids.
Last Updated on April 9, 2024 by Diply Social Team