All of us have seen at least one movie with a classic ‘rags-to-riches’ storyline, and over the years, we’ve collectively come to the conclusion as a society that these narratives are usually nothing more than sensationalized fiction.
The chances of being ‘randomly discovered’ for your talent and offered a life-changing deal worth millions of dollars are probably worse than the chances of you getting struck by lightning while handing in your winning lottery ticket and giving birth to identical twins— meaning slim-to-none.
Though these kinds of events are incredibly rare, they DO occur.

In a place like Los Angeles where everyone is fighting for their five seconds of fame, it can be an incredibly difficult task to pick out star potential from the masses. However, the LAPD managed to do just that last week, and in a pretty surprising place too.
LA Police posted a video to their twitter of a woman singing in a local Subway station.
If you’ve seen the clip, it is immediately very clear why the Tweet went so viral so fast. How could a woman with singing ability far above that of a lot of Top 10 radio pop stars be completely unknown?
After the video was posted, the internet made it their mission to identify the singing woman.

She was later identified as Emily Zamourka, a homeless Russian woman who had worked for many years as a piano and violin teacher but lost her home after falling ill and being unable to afford medical care.
“I have people that feel sorry for me, but I don’t want to be a burden to anybody,”

Zamourka’s instant virality inspired several people to start Go Fund Me campaigns for her, which have collectively amassed around $75,000.
Shortly after, the 52-year-old was offered the opportunity to sing at the Italian heritage event in Los Angeles this weekend.
But her luck didn’t stop there.

According to TMZ , Zamourka has been offered a life-changing record deal with Grammy-nominated music producer Joel Diamond.
Diamond stated that he’s drafted an offer letter for the talented singer in the hopes of creating “a huge classical-EDM crossover hit record for the subway soprano.”
The first record will reportedly be called “Paradise”.

Diamond explained that the album will be released through Silver Blue Records, which he founded in 1973.
Though Zamourka’s acceptance of the offer has yet to be confirmed, we can assume that she’s ecstatic to get an opportunity such as this.
I don’t even know this woman but holy heck am I proud of her.
Sometimes the most talented people are trapped in unfortunate circumstances, and all they need are proper resources in order to become who they were meant to be.
h/t: New York Post
Last Updated on October 4, 2019 by Sydney Brooman