Picture this: you’re spending the holidays with your significant other’s family, and you wake up to the lovely surprise of your period starting. You ask your partner to grab some pads from the store, but when their dad finds out, he laughs and says he’s never touched a pack of pads in his life, claiming it doesn’t concern men. Already in a bad mood, you snap back, insinuating he’s not a real man if he can’t buy some f*****g pads. Now, things are awkward, and you’re wondering if you took it too far. Let’s dive into this dramatic tale!
Holiday Family Time
New Year’s Surprise
Breakfast with the In-Laws
Dad’s Curiosity
Shocked Faces
No Pads for Dad
Annoyed and Ready to Respond
Dad’s Furious Reaction
Awkward Situation
Questioning My Actions
Real Man or Not? The Great Pad Debate
Our protagonist is spending the holidays with her boyfriend’s family when she wakes up to her period starting. She sends her boyfriend to buy some pads, but when his dad finds out, he laughs and says he’s never touched a pack of pads in his life, claiming it doesn’t concern men. Already in a bad mood, our heroine snaps back, insinuating he’s not a real man if he can’t buy some f*****g pads. Dad blows up and rants about how much of a real man he is before storming off, leaving an awkward situation behind. Now, our protagonist is contemplating apologizing and leaving to make things better, but is she really in the wrong? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
ESH vs. boyfriend’s dad’s antiquated ideas: personal attacks ensue
Gender roles clash in pad-buying argument. ESH in overreaction.
ESH’s antiquated views on feminine hygiene make them AHs
Real men buy pads for the women they care about
Guest shamed for calling out boyfriend’s dad over pads.
Disrespectful behavior leads to YTA verdict
NTA stands up to conservative dad’s outdated views on menstruation
Exaggeration or not, both parties bear responsibility in this argument
Disagreement over pads leads to swearing and insults. Yikes.
NTA stands up against harmful stereotypes. Fragile masculinity exposed
Drawing the line: OP refuses to support father’s outdated views
NTA commenter defends girl buying pads against boyfriend’s dad’s shaming
Empowering response to subtle misogyny. ♀️
NTA comment shuts down fragile masculinity of boyfriend’s dad
NTA shuts down backward thinking of boyfriend’s dad over buying pads
Insulting boyfriend’s dad over pads: OP may be the A**hole
Boomers being boomers, but YTA for disrespecting boyfriend’s father
Navigating cultural differences when buying pads with boyfriend’s parents.
Annoying dad? NTA! Sounds like a struggle, hang in there
NTA. Apologize for shattering fragile ego, not needed though. ♀️
Is this a real comment or just trolling?
Support for not caving to unreasonable demands from boyfriend’s dad.
Sensitivity and respect are key in intergenerational conflicts.
Gender role clash gets heated, but YTA for insults.
Guest’s pad-buying critique sparks heated masculinity debate
Partner’s dad embarrassed, future hangouts may be awkward ♂️
Woman stands up for herself against outdated views, NTA
Clash of opinions: Commenter against disrespectful house guests
Standing up for yourself but making peace with boyfriend’s dad
Period talk triggering incels in the comments
Insulting boyfriend’s dad: YTA. Outdated views s**k, manners matter
User called out for oversharing; YTA verdict given.
ESH. Guest calls out fragile masculinity in r**e way during holidays
Dealing with in-laws: YTA comment suggests keeping calm
Respectful communication is key, avoid insulting and keep private issues private.
YTA shares TMI and escalates fight as a guest
Guest oversharing bodily functions at breakfast table – YTA
Don’t exclude men from period talk! NTA for reaction
Don’t instigate a fight over pads with your partner’s dad ♀️
Guest criticized for abusive behavior during period mishap. YTA.
YTA comment accuses OP of being r**e and insulting.
Don’t discuss health, religion, politics or periods unless asked
OP called out for sexist attack on boyfriend’s dad. YTA
Macho dad insults period pads, NTA stands up to him
Father of the year!
When insulting someone’s masculinity goes wrong
Navigating uncomfortable conversations with your partner’s family
Real men help their loved ones, no matter what.
OP called out for insulting boyfriend’s dad in his own house
Breaking gender norms and supporting partners.
Challenging outdated views: NTA comment wins the showdown
Standing up for modernity against fragile masculinity. NTA wins.
Dad proves buying pads isn’t a big deal, end of story!
Don’t let a harmless joke ruin potential family relationships
Guest insults host’s manhood, YTA, comment section agrees
User called out for attacking boyfriend’s parents over pads. YTA.
YTA for not being considerate as a guest in someone’s home
Disagreeing with tact could have avoided ‘YTA’ judgement
Be discreet when buying pads. YTA for creating a display.
Civil disagreement is key . Responding with hostility makes YTA.
Gender roles and communication breakdown cause conflict. ♀️ ♂️
Awkward overshare at breakfast table, period talk for all ♀️
Awkward breakfast conversation about menstruation. Yikes
Toxic masculinity gets called out in the comments
Insulting bf’s dad over pads: YTA, entitlement, disrespectful behavior.
User gets called out for being YTA, hilarity ensues
Guest oversteps boundaries, gets called out for rudeness
Old-fashioned dad gets called out for not buying pads
Gender roles, apologies, and consistency.
Calling out male fragility. NTA for pointing out hypocrisy
Last Updated on March 7, 2024 by Diply Social Team