A lot of hard work goes into being a parent .
There are kids’ messes to clean up after, rules to enforce, and having to deal with the ridiculous things they say. It’s why parents need an outlet sometimes, whether that be nights out with friends, a glass of wine, or Twitter .
The latter is how we got these 19 hilarious tweets only parents can relate to!
The restaurant
Ah, restaurants: a parent’s worst nightmare! It could mean kids throwing a tantrum over wanting a chocolate cake for dessert, restaurant patrons looking over with annoyance on their faces, or — worse — being asked to leave.
The stairs

“50% of parenting is just trying to decide if that noise is worth walking up all of those stairs,” this mom wrote on Twitter. What would be suspicious is if the kids were silent, amirite?!
The epiphany
Tweets like this really make you think. You could save your money and spend it on things you like. You could sleep in on the weekends. Instead, you’re up to your eyeballs in stress and little league teams.
The equal share

“Told my kids they had to share a donut and they whipped out a ruler, protractor, scale, and magnifying glass,” this mom tweeted . Better this careful precision than a fight starting out!
The Whack-A-Mole
Ain’t this the truth! It’s all about putting out little fires as they come. This could be them trying to run downstairs to watch TV during bedtime or trying to get a certain book read.
The backpack

“Cleaned out my kid’s backpack, if you’re missing something let me know because it was definitely in there,” this mom tweeted . One girl brought her goldfish to school, so we’re not even surprised! Kids also love to trade lunches.
The date
We applaud any parent trying their best! That’s what matters. So, it’s okay if the son orders spaghetti and twirls it around on a spoon. Or that he can’t quite use a knife properly. He’ll get there… one day. What matters is that the mom did what she could to raise her son, under the circumstances.
The heir

“My daughter told me that my belly is more squishy than a pillow so I’ll be accepting applications for a new heir,” this mom wrote on Twitter. Yep, kids do say the darndest things! The proof of that is right here as well.
The cereal

“I buy my kids cereal based on which kinds my vacuum cleaner will be able to pick up best,” this dad wrote on Twitter. This just goes to show why parents don’t waste money on the name brand cereals. It will just end up on the floor, anyway!
The confident strut
Oh, if only we could be as confident as owning any place! Sure, we’d cross everyone’s boundaries, but what does that matter when our confidence is that of a King, Queen, or child?!
The rap battle

“Not my 9 year old telling me she’s having a problem with a boy at school so they’re having a rap battle tomorrow,” this mom hilariously tweeted . In case you need to know what happened, she won! Did we expect anything less?
The apple care
They should really have an Apple Care made especially for parents! This way, mishaps like pudding in an iPad and lord knows what else can be handled quickly and without judgment!
The YouTuber

“Welcome to parenthood. Your child will be assigned a favorite YouTuber who will make you want to slice your ears off shortly,” this mom wrote on Twitter. It’s better than Paw Patrol or Baby Shark , no?
The Momitor
Finally, something a child said makes sense. Up until now, it’s been all nonsense, imaginary friends, and hurtful comments. This kid needs to get this pattened ASAP and get on Shark Tank !
The dread

“Ever babysat some bad kids and have that dread their parents aren’t coming back. Then you realize these are your kids,” this dad wrote on Twitter. Uh, we can definitely think of some parents who relate.
The dish
What a lucky child this is! She gets her own toy house and kitchen in the backyard. She’s also smart enough to find cleaning loopholes like this one. sigh time to buy our own toy kitchen to evade cleaning.
The work from home dad

“I was on a conference call today. i unmuted to talk. immediately after i stopped talking and before i could mute again, 8 from outside my door yells ‘I POOTED’ and i need to find a new career now,” this unemployed dad tweeted .
He’s not alone; a lot of parents have been struggling with working from home with kids!
The sneeze
Those who know, know. This just goes to show that parenting is hard right from the get-go. First, you go through hours of difficult labor, and then you deal with wonderful side effects like these. The joy of being a mom!
Last Updated on March 18, 2022 by Sarah Kester