People had a lot to say about Game of Thrones Sunday night, from the strange characterization of some characters to the one-sided proposal from a lovelorn Gendry.
But one thing that people really couldn’t get over was the unexpected cameo that turned up in the show.
It wasn’t the showrunners, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, who were in the same scene.

Yes, you guessed it, it was the coffee cup, which has been the talk of Twitter for days now. And finally, HBO has responded to the mistake.
Light spoiler alert ahead if you haven’t seen Episode 4 of Season 8!
The scene was a pretty serious one, despite it being a celebration.

The coffee cup made its cameo appearance during a scene that would have otherwise been very emotional, at least for Dany.
Just look at her face.

She was straight up dissociating while Jon was getting all the praise for riding dragons when she’s been doing that for multiple seasons now.
In the background of the scene, Dany was literally glaring at Jon.

We can’t really blame her, everyone is praising him for something that couldn’t have even happened had she not saved them.
But more importantly, there’s that coffee cup.
The biggest question fans have is whether or not it’s a Starbucks cup.

Fans were dying of laughter that a show like Game of Thrones which spends millions on each episode, could let this happen.
The Starbucks twitter got in on the fun too.
But fans were asking the most important questions of all: is it Starbucks, and what is her order?
Luckily, someone has imagined what it would look like if Dany and Jon did actually go to Starbucks.
Don’t lie, we all go to Starbucks for the Instagram picture, more than we go for the actual drinks.
The baristas tend to struggle enough with the easy names, let alone Daenarys Targaryen.
If Dany would end up going to Starbucks, she would honestly make the poor barista’s life miserable just for a good photo.
Some fans are worried about the fate of the coffee.
Game of Thrones is known for one thing and one thing only: killing off all our favorite characters.
Not even the coffee cup is safe. God knows what happened to it after the scene was over.
However, it was not the first coffee cup cameo!
Jamie Lannister was the original coffee cup holder on Game of Thrones and not everyone has forgotten that iconic moment.
For this scene, HBO didn’t release a statement. This time we got lucky.
We finally know what Daenerys would order.
Fans no longer have to lose sleep at night wondering what the Mother of Dragons would have as her coffee order.
It’s not coffee at all! Our mother and queen is a peaceful tea drinker.
Executive producer of the show, Bernie Caulfied, doubted the legitimacy of the photo at first.
He said in an interview that he couldn’t believe it, because “Our on-set prop people and decorators are so, you know, so on it one thousand percent. I just honestly can’t, I’m like, is that really? Because nowadays you can’t believe what you see because people can put things into a photo that really doesn’t exist. But I guess maybe it was there. I’m not sure. But, yeah. We’re sorry!”
And at least the cast thinks it’s hilarious.
Lena Headey has taken to Instagram to troll us all, wondering what coffee will make an appearance in the next episode of Game of Thrones .
It’s all in good fun, unless…
Who knows, maybe we’re the ones who are wrong. Maybe Starbucks is canon in Game of Thrones after all.
The offending coffee cup has now been removed.

Variety reports that as of this morning, the coffee cup has been removed from the episode on HBO Go. So if it WAS canon, I guess it was a spoiler we weren’t supposed to see yet.
Last Updated on May 7, 2019 by Diply