If there’s anything that’s more of a crapshoot than the dating world, it’s job hunting.
After all, it’s not like a bad place to work is going to promote itself that way so people often find themselves having to translate the real meanings of common buzzwords that make a job sound better than it is.
And while it’s true that it can take years and some rough management changes before a company tries to pull the rug out from under you, many will find that bad bosses tend to tip their hands pretty early.
Sure, it usually makes sense to quit in such cases, but that’s not always an option depending on your circumstances.
But when one new employee felt they were being taken advantage of, that still didn’t mean they were willing to take that lying down.
When the man we’re about to hear from started his first job out of college, he came into it with the mindset that everything needed to be done in the best way humanly possible.
As he explained in a Reddit post , this led him to not only put in some impressive work, but to hustle much harder than most of the other 25 people that were hired alongside him.
Unfortunately, it seemed that this person’s can do attitude would end up benefitting the company a lot more than him.
He described regularly working 10+ hour days and finding that the manager he was supposed to share projects with simply kept offloading work onto him. As a result, he was doing all of his job and half of his manager’s.
In his words, “I was stressed and overworked but was getting exceptional weekly ratings so I felt it was worth it. How naive I was.”
Indeed, he would soon hear that while he had one of the best performance ratings in the entire company, he wasn’t going to get the big raise he wanted because he was too new.
Instead, he would end up receiving the same pay as the others who were hired at the same time and did what the employee described as the bare minimum.
Obviously, the man wasn’t too happy about essentially being told that his hard work was for nothing and said that if he was considered average, the company should expect “average” performance from him from then on.
As he put it, “He laughed there thinking I was kidding. I wasn’t.”
Sure enough, he never worked for longer than eight and a half hours a day at that company again. And that wasn’t all.
Not only would he stop trying to finish lunch quicker so he could work more, but the manager would have to start doing his own job. Furthermore, the projects that the employee used to finish in two hours would now need eight.
And if there was something that anyone wanted after work hours, that was going to have to wait until the next day.
Soon enough, the consquences of this shift in motivation became apparent as complaints started coming in about delays.
Moreover, the flaws in the manager’s work started to become more apparent now that the employee wasn’t doing half his job and he spent a lot more time feeling frustrated than before.
Meanwhile, our protagonist was much more relaxed and ended up finding another job by the end of the year that paid three times as much. After he was gone, he later noticed through the company’s online publications that they were several months behind on projects.
I bet that raise didn’t seem like so much money once that started happening.
h/t: Reddit | g_mein_d
Last Updated on September 15, 2021 by Mason Joseph Zimmer