In case you weren’t paranoid enough about taking public transit, touching the cart at the grocery store, or having some random passerby on the street sneeze on you, some medical experts are now advising people to take extra precautions while working out because your gym is considered a “high risk” location for the coronavirus.
But before you go canceling your gym membership and swearing off getting fit in the name of health, you might want to hear what one doctor has to say about the matter.
Dr. Norman Swan, a physician and journalist, recently confirmed that gyms are indeed high risk locations for the disease to spread.
Speaking on the ABC’s Coronacast , a coronavirus-specific podcast, he admitted that Chinese data has shown gyms to be “one of the high prevalence areas” for COVID-19 because they are humid and make for the perfect environment for the virus to spread.
“Dampness is a bad thing for spreading germs so you want to swab those surfaces down,” Swan explained.
Although the risk is increased, Dr. Swan isn’t advising people to just quit working out in public spaces altogether.

“It doesn’t mean you stop going to the gym,” he continued, “but you’ve got to be super careful.”
Most gyms offer its patrons disinfectant sprays to wipe down their machines after they use them, so the next person can be confident they’re not coming into contact with anyone else’s germs.
While this is certainly helpful, Dr. Swan suggests that gym-goers increase their hygiene standards during their workouts.
He advises people to take extra care in cleaning their machines in order to stay as safe and healthy as possible.

“You’ve got to make sure you wipe down [the equipment] before and after use,” Dr. Swan said. “Don’t take any chances in the gym.”
Personally, at my own gym, I’ve made a habit of cleaning my equipment even before I use it. As disgusting as it is to say, there are plenty of uncaring people who use a machine and then totally neglect to disinfect it.
I also carry a little bottle of hand sanitizer around to each machine with me because honestly, you just can’t be too careful nowadays.
Dr. Swan also urged people to forgo their post-workout steam in the sauna, at least we know it’s safe.
“Don’t go in the steam room,” he said. “I wouldn’t go near any humid area to be honest.”
He continued, “Is your life going to change by going in the steam room? No. I’d avoid them for the moment.”
h/t: ABC Coronacast
Last Updated on March 11, 2020 by Caitlyn Clancey