What? Is it because of the show? Is it because of all the sick people you watch? Are they using the slang definition of “sick”?
Only one way to find out.
Watching ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ makes you “sick” alright.
Before Grey’s Anatomy , I was some loser who couldn’t find friends if you paid me.
Suddenly, after catching a couple of seasons on Netflix, I can do kickflips like never before!
Oh, and it can also make you actually sick.
And not the kickflip kind, the nauseous kind.
Peep this, true believers, some of the big brains down at Cosmopolitan were wondering why watching Grey’s Anatomy kept making them feel queasy.
So, they consulted an even bigger brain: neuropsychologist Sanam Hafeez.
And Sanam explained that people get sick while watching shows like Grey’s Anatomy due to a mental phenomenon known as “parasympathetic reactions”.
In layman’s terms, it means that when characters on the show we love feel sick, we also feel sick because our brain is being sympathetic.
Also, the good doctor says that the show is designed to make us feel things.
The camera angles, the dramatic music, the performances, like many other forms of entertainment they’re designed to make us feel something. So, when they want us to feel sick, they usually get the job done.
How neat, you and I both learned something today!
Last Updated on October 1, 2019 by Jake Bean