Yes, there’s a bird called the black-throated bushtit. We need to get that out of the way. The most remarkable thing about this bird, though, isn’t its giggle-inducing name, but its striking plumage.
Get your mind out of the gutter.

Yeah, it’s a pretty funny name. But the bird kingdom includes all sorts of t**s, boobies, c***s and dickcissels. I don’t know what the deal is with bird names. Here’s a pic of an Andean c**k-of-the-rock.
What about this bushtit?

The black-throated bushtit, also known as the black-throated t*t (snicker), represents a small family of birds. There are six subspecies that carry the bushtit name.
The birds are striking looking.
The fluffy feathers, orange plumage and b*******k “grin” on their face bring to mind Philadelphia Flyers mascot/viral sensation/devourer of souls, Gritty. But these little birds are a little less intimidating.
This isn’t your average t*t.

These diminutive little birds are generally just a few inches long. They also have tails of an average length. This separates them from their cousin, the appropriately-named long-tailed t*t.
You’ll have to go to Asia to see them.

These little birds live throughout the Himalayan region, as well as in India, Vietnam, and Taiwan. They tend to hang out together a lot, and flock together in groups of up to forty in number.
It’s an omnivore.

You’d probably expect a small bird like this to dine on berries and seeds and stuff, which they do. But they’ll also eat smaller insects and spiders that they come across.
This bird is a legend.

There’s something about that face that just stays with you. And that’s to say nothing of their name. What do you think of the black-throated bushtit? Let us know in the comments section!
Last Updated on July 20, 2021 by D