Ever since the end of Episode 2 and the Season 8, Episode 3 trailer, people are bursting at the seams to find out what will happen to the heroes in Game Of Thrones .
Season 8, Episode 3 is on the horizon.

And people couldn’t be more excited. Seriously, try flicking an excite-o-meter around in a room full of GoT fans. It’ll be off the charts! What’s that? You don’t own an excite-o-meter? Psh. Peasant.
Nevertheless, there are so many questions about the upcoming episode.

Mainly who will live and who will die, because this being the last season we’re expecting a lot of death.
Also, this is Game Of Thrones after all, and would they really be the series we’ve come to love if they didn’t murder our favorite characters?
However, it’s not just deaths fans are theorizing about.

I mean, it’s mostly that, but there are other things they want to know.
Who will take the Iron Throne?
Will Jon and Daenerys still hook up despite knowing the… er… awful truth about their familial status?
Also, what will happen to the Night King?

Will our heroes defeat the evil snow zombie? Or will they fall victim to his icy-fresh ways?
You see, their current plan is to lure him to Winterfell.

Using Bran as bait (real nice, guys) they’re going to bring the Night King to Winterfell and hopefully end this battle against the White Walkers once and for all.
It’s going to be great, it’s going to be grand.

In the words of the American president: It’s going to be yuge .
Some people are even comparing it to the battle of Helm’s Deep from Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers .
However, one Reddit user isn’t convinced the plan is going to work.

A user by the name of jurkovsky says the Night King isn’t going to fall for their trickery… and isn’t going to Winterfell at all.
He’s going to King’s Landing.

What? King’s Landing! Mais, c’est impossible!
He was so obviously riding Viserion in the trailer for episode 3… riiiiiight?
Apparently: this is how it’s going to go down.

We’ll get the big Helm’s Deep-esque battle of Winterfell. Whoop-dee-do.
Then, as the characters are waiting for the Night King, they’ll show the wintery wight riding his dragon.
Then, the camera will pan out and… reveal that he’s riding towards King’s Landing. Dun. Dun. Dunnnnn.
The user also sees a parallel between this plan and another.

He says about it:
“GoT have a history of doing this, and the scene with Jon going through the battle plans reminded me a lot of the scene in series 7 when Tyrion was discussing the plan to take Casterly Rock whilst they showed out the actual events. In this scene, the Unsullied were tricked and the Lannister army used this deception and took High Garden instead.”
Some people are shocked by this theory.
And how couldn’t you be? We had no idea that the White Walkers were this tactical until now. Then again, it would be hard to be so effective at killing if they weren’t.
Some are already taking the theory as gospel
While we might not go that far, it does seem rather likely… Why would Game Of Thrones kill off their main villain so quickly? Then again, they sure do like killing people.
But does this mean we might still lose some of our favorites at Winterfell?

What will happen to Jon, Daenerys, Arya and… Podrick, oh god, poor little Podrick! You better not harm one hair on his perfect little head!
And does this mean we’ll have to save the decimation of King’s Landing to episode 4?

Because if the Night King doesn’t get there until the end of Episode 3… well, we’re sure you understand how time works. Nevermind.
What do you think?

Where do you think that silly ol’ Night King is off too? King’s Landing? Casterly Rock? The Iron Islands?
Maybe he’s heading… right behind you! No don’t look, that’ll just make him madder.
Last Updated on April 23, 2019 by Jake Bean