If there’s one thing keeping the world turning right now, it’s all the humor on the internet . Twitter in particular is a great place to just go for a laugh or two .
Whether you’re making a joke about your kid, your pet, a weird social interaction, or something totally random, the Twitter crowd will eat it right up . Like they did with these strangely hilarious Tweets.
It’s her chair now. Like, by law.
Unfortunately, I don’t think this person can get rid of that chair now. It’s for the cat. It’s also for the neighbors to come and behold the majesty of this cat. It’s what we all deserve.
The middle of the night is the only time to play music, you know.
I guess there’s something about the obnoxiously early hours of the morning that kids go crazy for. I guess sleep when they go for their naps?
We all know they’re about to come back.
I dunno, though. There’s something kind of fun about the band leaving and then you turning to your friend and saying, “That can’t be all, right?” And then they come right back and it’s like Christmas morning.
I feel bad for the other kids.
Look, kids go through a lot. Some of it is because of their parents (intentional or not) and some is because of other kids (again, intentional or not). And sometimes, they’re the menace.
The most important events are the ones you don’t have clothes for.
I don’t know if laughing at something like this means your IQ is super high or super low, but I really hope it’s the former. This tweet is simply hilarious.
Kids always have the right idea.
There are a lot of times where I miss being a kid. Don’t get me wrong, I love being able to drive and have a bank account. But I can’t be the only one who misses being able to just… do random stuff and not have to worry about responsibilities, right?
Oh waiter? Your finest milk, please!
Waitstaff beware, because this kid is coming for your jobs. Better get the good dino nuggets out of the freezer if you know what’s good for you.
Or, maybe the kid will use their newfound snapping powers for good…
You have reached your destination on the right.
As a former kid who constantly asked if we were there yet, this seems about right. You really don’t know how annoying that is until someone starts doing it to you, huh.
Those poor, lonely, feral adults.
I think the funniest part about this story is the fact that the kid didn’t say feral by accident. Which, to be honest, just makes it that much more of a savage insult. Little kids can be so mean sometimes.
Uh huh, that’s the way it is…
If life really is like this, then I don’t want it. I mean, the world isn’t all bad. But there are definitely days where you just want to crawl into bed and listen to old Avril Lavigne songs all day.
We walk together, we… cross the street together.
I dunno, I think the wording of this tweet is especially funny. But… it’s also kind of true. I guess it’s that “we’re in this together” mentality. Especially if you live somewhere that takes jaywalking seriously .
Drama is great, as long as you aren’t involved.
I’m actually pretty sure this is why people like reality TV. No one wants drama in their lives, but most people love watching some stranger navigate their messy relationships and friendships.
I laughed, but I also cried.
This is actually really sweet. But also hilarious. I guess it just goes to show you that, no matter how old a dog gets, it might never lose the desire to chase a mail carrier.
He’s a 10, but…
Way to take a weird Twitter meme and make it even funnier. But to be honest, the actual best part of this cat named A 10 But is the fact that he’s actually 11. Not even a 10.
Time to take your moodicine.
You know what? I’m kind of behind that name change. It makes it seem a lot more weirdly specific, without being specific at all. Quick, someone start a petition to change antidepressants to “moodicine.”
The most important cat in England.
You might think the most powerful person in the U.K. is the Queen. Or you might think it’s the Prime Minister. But nope, it’s this cat, the Chief Mouser of Downing Street. And I ain’t even mad.
Still a better swimmer than some adults.
Well, this is one less thing the kid’s dad has to worry about. Even if the video itself is… kind of wild. I mean, just look at that kid go, floating and all that.
A WHAT party?
This was honestly a lot to take in. But don’t worry, the mom was just talking about a gender reveal, and not something that a parent probably shouldn’t mention to their kids, no matter how old they are.
When you say their email, you obviously mean their wives’.
I guess when it comes to setting up plans for play dates and parties, the dads just defer to their wives? It’s kind of weird how it works out like that.
Pain. Pain everywhere.
I swear, getting older just means being in pain all the time. And also, having random allergies you never had as a kid. Remind me why we have to age again? Like, why can’t we just be kids forever?
Last Updated on July 18, 2022 by Ashley Hunte