We’ve all had that moment when honesty turns into a hot potato, haven’t we? This tale is about a friend’s weight loss journey that took an unexpected turn when a secret was revealed. Our main character, let’s call her ‘Fitness Phoenix’, rose from the ashes of a pandemic-induced weight gain, but her methods sparked a controversy that divided her friends. Let’s dive into this emotional rollercoaster!
The Weight Gain and the Fitness Phoenix’s Rise
The Secret Weapon
The Persistent Friend
The Unveiling
The Aftermath
The Divided Opinion
Fitness Phoenix’s Stand
The Healthy Eating Habits
The Smoking Clarification
The Final Word
The Fallout: A Weight Loss Secret, A Triggered Friend, and Divided Opinions
When Fitness Phoenix decided to lose weight, she never imagined her journey would lead to a friendship crisis. After revealing her smoking habit as an appetite suppressant, a friend accused her of triggering her eating disorder. The fallout divided their mutual friends, some blaming Phoenix for not being cautious, others defending her honesty. Despite the turmoil, Phoenix maintains her stance, asserting she’s not at fault. As the dust settles, the question remains: Was honesty the best policy in this situation? Let’s hear what the internet has to say…
NTA. She pestered you about weight loss and got upset.
NTA if she gets triggered about eating/dieting
NTA. Truth-telling sparks firestorm . Logic of triggering claim ridiculous
NTA, but a**hole move. Find healthier snacks instead of smoking
Navigating a sensitive topic: supporting without triggering eating disorder
Honesty prevails! You’re not the a**hole in this situation.
Overcoming addiction and toxic friendships. Stay focused on self-care.
NTA, if she had an ED, why ask about weight loss?
NTA comment sparks a firestorm of disagreement and frustration
NTA. Honesty hurts, but you’re not responsible for her feelings.
NTA, she shouldn’t have initiated the discussion. Unfair and triggering.
NTA. Breaking gender norms sparks controversy among friends. ♂️
NTA. Friend with ED pressured OP about weight loss. Mutual friends are wrong.
Weight loss triggered her, but honesty is still important.
Smoking for weight control? NTA, but it’s harmful and unnecessary.
NTA – Women don’t need to be coddled!
NTA: Friend needs therapy, you can smoke if you want
Quit smoking with nicotine gum! You’re not the a**hole!
NTA. Truth can be triggering. Be mindful of others’ experiences.
NTA. You spoke up honestly, she needs support, not blame. ✨
Honesty is key! NTA. Don’t blame yourself for her ED.
Why would she ask if she has an ED? NTA
You answered honestly and triggered her. NTA
NTA for telling the truth, hope she learned her lesson
Mom friends jealous of weight loss secret: an ultrasound!
Friend’s ED triggered by weight loss secret, but her issue.
NTA, unintentional trigger. Lesson learned: avoid sensitive topics with her.
Friend betrayed and bad-mouthed, but you’re not the a**hole. NTA
NTA: Honesty hurts, but she shouldn’t have asked if sensitive.
Caffeine vs Nicotine: Battling unhealthy cravings, one vice at a time! ☕
“NTA. She was out of line and is blaming you for her inability to cope. That said, you have pushed back at other commenters for suggesting you have an ED. Just because you don’t fit the official diagnostic criteria for bulimia or another ED, doesn’t mean you are without issues. You admitted that smoking is unhealthy and yet here you are, relying on it to help you lose weight. Does that not fit the cultural understanding of an eating disorder (if not the medical definition)? You should reevaluate your approach and seek other, healthier alternatives to suppressing your appetite such as increasing your fiber and water intake in the evenings or using herbs/plants that have similar effects (like yerba mate, coffee, fenugreek, fennel, et cetera). Being mindful while eating (not eating distracted by TV or other things) can also help. Good luck!”
NTA. Apologize if you accidentally upset someone, but don’t assume.
Honesty is the best policy! NTA for standing your ground.
Taking control of your health and standing up against blame
Understanding the impact of triggers on someone with an ED
Drama queen accuses commenter of triggering her with answer
NTA – Weight loss conversation triggers her, but she badgers others?
NTA. Shutting down accusations of a weight loss shortcut.
NTA. Cigarettes as a helping hand? Don’t ask, don’t judge!
NTA, friends being sexist. Lie to friend after push? Nope.nope.nope.
Friend with ED blames OP for relapse, but it’s complicated
NTA: Setting boundaries is key, she triggered herself.
NTA: Taking responsibility for our own triggers and reactions
Honesty is the best policy!
NTA, she asked, didn’t like answer. Not your fault.
Friendship strained by weight loss, friend’s obsession, and eating disorder.
“Trigger” excuse? That’s a load of horse s**t!
NTA: Friend with eating disorder blames others for triggering her.
Woman defends herself after unintentionally offending others.
Not the a**hole, but what sparked the firestorm?
Already triggered by her badgering? You’re definitely NTA!
Navigating weight loss discussions in a diverse friend group
NTA, show compassion for friend’s ED history, not your fault.
“If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions”
Empathy and caution are key when discussing weight loss with others
NTA for weight loss secret, but quit smoking for running! ♀️
Weight loss after loss: Dealing with annoying motivation questions
Did she intentionally cause the firestorm? NTA!
Commenter calls out someone for playing the victim. NTA.
Friend triggers herself by asking for weight loss secret ♀️
Honesty isn’t a**hole behavior. Explore healthier appetite suppressants!
NTA. Honesty is the best policy, even if it’s tough
Prescription meds for appetite control? Healthier than smoking?
Being an a**hole is all about choices and consequences.
NTA. Friend pushes for answer, gets more than she bargained for.
NTA. Triggered friend learns the hard way about prying for info
Is your friend mad or just triggered? Find out now!
NTA: Your emotional stability is not your burden.
Taking responsibility for triggers and seeking professional help
NTA – Friend’s weight loss inquiry backfires, causing friendship fallout
NTA. Don’t let her make her issues your problem. ♂️
NTA: Honesty is key in friendship, even about sensitive topics!
Empowering response to friend’s insensitive comments about weight loss.
NTA, her triggers are her problem
NTA! People are ridiculous for blaming you. It’s not your fault!
NTA for not knowing smoking could be related to an eating disorder
NTA, she pushed you! ED = eating disorder
Supportive friend defends against blame for friend’s body issues.
NTA. Brutal honesty: when asking, be prepared for the truth.
Navigating a friendship minefield: Weight loss, boundaries, and empathy
Last Updated on August 16, 2023 by Diply Social Team