Friendships can be tested in the most unexpected ways, especially when one person feels used by the other. In this story, our protagonist has always been more fortunate than her friend, but she never let that get in the way of their friendship. She happily paid for outings and even drove long distances to visit her friend. However, when her friend became pregnant, their relationship took a turn for the worse. Let’s dive into this rollercoaster of a story and see how our protagonist handled the situation.
Friendship Put to the Test
Feeling Used
Wallet Woes
Pregnancy Bonding
New Job, New Distance
Trying to Stay Connected
Christmas Gifts
Gifts Galore! ️
Christmas Plans
Left Out in the Cold ❄️
New Year’s Disappointment
Forgotten Friend?
Baby Shower Bombshell
Last Minute Lift
Two Months Notice?
Gifts Given Away
Friendship Over?
The Fallout
Guilt and Reflection
Feeling Guilty
Nappies Needed?
Acknowledging Privilege
Friendship First
Lucky and Grateful
Never a Show-Off
Just Wanted to Be Friends
Friendship on the Rocks: Baby Shower Drama
Our protagonist always tried to be a good friend, even when she felt used by her less fortunate friend. When her friend became pregnant, they bonded over their shared desire to be mothers. However, as our protagonist’s life improved, their friendship became strained. She bought her friend numerous gifts for Christmas and the baby, but when she was snubbed on Christmas day and then asked to attend a last-minute baby shower, she decided enough was enough. She returned some gifts and donated the rest to a women’s shelter, leading to a fallout between the two friends. Was she wrong to give away the gifts, knowing her friend needed them? Let’s see how the internet weighs in on this emotional dilemma. ♀️
Cutting toxic ties #NTA
Generosity wins! NTA for donating baby shower gifts to women’s shelter
Time to move on from that one-sided friendship
Cutting off toxic friendships and giving back to the community
Cut toxic people out of your life
Excluded from baby shower? Definitely NTA for donating gifts
One-sided friendship ends, good for you for removing negativity
Toxic friendship exposed
Toxic friendships can be draining and abusive
Heartwarming comment about donating to women’s shelter
Setting healthy boundaries and cutting off a toxic friend.
Ending friendship to avoid being used as free babysitter
Ending a toxic friendship is never easy. You did great!
NTA. The OP showed their worth and won’t be used anymore.
Setting boundaries with entitled friends
Cutting out toxic friends is self-care
True friends don’t use each other for convenience
Celebrate your kindness, treat yourself to lunch
Donating baby gifts to a women’s shelter after being used.
Setting boundaries is important in any relationship
Don’t waste your kindness on people who don’t appreciate it
Formerly generous commenter shares experience of being taken advantage of.
Friend taking advantage of kindness? NTA takes a stand
Validated for not feeling used and giving to women’s shelter
When poverty doesn’t define character, but greed does ♀️
Don’t let trolls get you down, you did the right thing
Toxic friendship story with a happy ending
Friendship on the rocks, but NTA for declining invitation
Spread kindness with a simple Amazon delivery
NTA. The women’s shelter was more grateful than your ex-friend.
Recognizing toxic friendships and setting boundaries. NTA.
Ending a toxic friendship: NTA and taking action
Cutting ties with a gift-grabbing friend. NTA
Friendship appreciation matters more than money spent. ♀️
Zoning board chair defends commenter’s reasonable thought process.
Friend only wants gifts and a ride to baby shower NTA donates to women’s shelter
A cautionary tale of a one-sided friendship
Toxic friendships aren’t worth it. Invest in real ones.
Losing a friend is hard, but don’t let them use you
Friendship on the rocks over lack of mutual respect
Cutting off toxic friends: it hurts but it’s worth it
Friend refuses to reciprocate help from well-off friend. NTA.
Toxic friendship? NTA for not buying baby shower gifts
Standing up for oneself against users
OP’s honesty in ending a one-sided friendship is commendable
Donated baby shower gifts to shelter, lost friend, gained spine
Cutting off toxic friends who use you
Don’t let entitled people use you. NTA
Donating to women’s shelters is a meaningful and appreciated gesture . Cutting off toxic friendships is hard but necessary. NTA.
Don’t be a sucker! Know when to drop leeches. NTA
Giving a ride to her own baby shower, then asking for gifts? NTA
Gift-giving gone wrong. No concern for friendship. Good riddance.
Friendship on the rocks : Commenter gives advice and support.
Toxic friends? Celebrate wins with those who support you
Defending against unreasonable accusations and standing up for oneself
True friends appreciate who you are, not just what you give
Not a friend if she can’t appreciate your generosity #NTA
Fair assessment of a one-sided friendship
Stand up for yourself, demand better. NTA for donating.
Friend takes OP for granted, donates baby shower gifts. NTA
Don’t let a user take advantage of your kindness
Misread title leads to comment on one-sided friendship, NTA.
Setting boundaries and donating to a women’s shelter
Last Updated on March 7, 2024 by Diply Social Team