Hey everyone!
When I was a kid my mum used to threaten me with ‘the naughty elf’ if I was up to no good near Christmas. She said if I carried on playing up, a mischievous little elf would break in and drink all the eggnog, get drunk, then proceed to eat all our Christmas chocolate and open all the presents before I could get to them…
… I’m no longer frightened of the elf — in fact, these days I feel a kind of infinity with him. Which got me to thinking. If I was a cheeky little elf, what would I be called? Turns out my name would be Tipsy Angelpants LOL. I had so much fun doing this I made up this fun quiz so all my friends could get involved!
Seasons greetings!
Aunty Acid… I mean, Sassy Angelpants.
Last Updated on December 11, 2020 by Aunty Acid