Summer is almost here, which means it’s time to start really looking forward to everything the warmer weather has to offer.
I don’t know about you, but one of the best parts about spring and summer nights for me is getting to hang out in someone’s backyard by a fire, sharing stories, playing songs, and maybe being a little too much fun for your neighbors to handle.
You’ll definitely show your neighbors who’s boss with an intense fire pit like this one!
Michael Finney welds these Star Wars -inspired fire pits by hand.
They’re made to resemble the TIE fighters that the folks from the Galactic Empire fly.
Don’t be wondering why people are a bit nervous to enter your backyard…
The wings act as a stand for the fire pit, while the propeller carefully holds the wood in place.
If you want to order one, you’ll have to hit up Michael in his DMs and see if he’s willing to part with his epic fleet.
If you were ever curious about joining the dark side, this is probably the safest way to get a taste.
Last Updated on May 20, 2021 by Olivia Nazarewich