A father is seeking judgment from Reddit’s AITA community after telling his 10-year-old son the truth about why he and his mother broke up. The father believes in being honest with his son and saw no harm in telling him about the fundamental differences that led to the end of the relationship.
However, the ex-girlfriend was not pleased when the son repeated this information during an argument, leading to a confrontation between the two adults. The father is now questioning whether he was in the wrong for sharing the truth with his son, and whether he should have kept the information to himself.
What do you think? Was the father an a**hole for being honest with his son, or is the ex-girlfriend overreacting in this situation ?
Navigating failed relationships as a single parent. ♀️
Compliment from ex raises questions for father-son conversation ❤️
Compliment or inappropriate? A fine line for father-son relationship.
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Co-parenting struggles during special occasions explained
Honest parenting or oversharing? Father explains his approach with son.
Father oversharing with son about failed relationship
When oversharing goes wrong
When fathers overshare, kids get caught in the crossfire
Father defends sharing relationship details with son, sparks debate.
Teaching kids to apologize & clean up – parenting win!
Is this father oversharing with his son? #AITA
Father shares too much with son about failed relationship
Co-parenting can be challenging, especially when it comes to discussing past relationships with your child. A father recently shared that he was honest with his 10-year-old son when he asked about his failed relationship with the boy’s mother. However, the father was surprised to learn that his son had shared the information with his mother during an argument.
The boy’s mother felt that the father should have consulted with her before sharing such information with their son. While the father believes his response was honest and tame, the situation has caused tension between the co-parents.
This raises the question of how much information is too much to share with your child about your past relationships. In the next section, we will explore some of the comments and reactions to this father’s dilemma.
OP’s inappropriate explanation of failed relationship to son backfires.
Father unfairly blames ex-wife to son, YTA. Comments call out OP’s excuses.
Protect your child’s innocence. Keep it simple and age-appropriate.
Father’s inappropriate honesty backfires, labeled YTA by commenters.
Father’s poor parenting leads to son weaponizing adult relationship against mom
Protecting children from the truth can be love too ❤️
Father unfairly blames mother to son, YTA. ❌
Father badmouths ex-partner to son, YTA for being disrespectful
OP’s vague explanation to his son causes more harm than good
Father receives harsh judgement for bad break-up explanation.
Sharing failed relationship details with son – YTA
Badmouthing your co-parent to your child is not okay
Parenting tip: honesty is the best policy. YTA for oversharing.
Father gets called out for blaming mom, YTA
Being honest is one thing but don’t involve a child. YTA
Father blamed mother for failed relationship to son. YTA ♂️
Father undermines son’s relationship with his mother. YTA ♂️
Parental oversharing: YTA for badmouthing ex to child
Father oversharing with son, YTA, be honest but age-appropriate
Commenter calls out the father for hypocrisy.
Honesty without hostility: communicating with an ex after a breakup
Father oversharing about failed relationship: YTA and damaging to son.
Father shares too much with son, gets called out.
Parenting rule #1: Never talk down about your child’s other parent
Honesty isn’t always the best policy with kids
Sharing relationship details with a 10 year old? YTA
Judgmental comment calls out father’s blame-shifting, YTA verdict given.
Don’t trash-talk the other parent to your child
Commenters are in agreement: YTA, stop asking already
Brutally honest parenting gone wrong
OP lacks tact in honest explanation of failed relationship to son
Father overshared about failed relationship with controlling ex, YTA.
Sharing relationship issues with your child is inappropriate. YTA.
Father oversharing with son gets called out for hypocrisy.
Commenter thinks father is the a**hole
Honesty is important, but don’t let it turn into parental alienation
YTA for bashing your ex to your child. Get therapy.
Honesty isn’t always the best policy with your kids
Father intentionally pitting son against mother, YTA.
Parental over-sharing? YTA for throwing ex-partner under the bus.
Commenter calls out bad behavior of father in failed relationship.
Parental immaturity leaves child with unnecessary emotional burden
Be careful what you say around your kids.
Honesty is the best policy, YTA for putting her down
Father’s toxic behavior harms son’s relationship with mother. YTA
Father overshared with son about failed relationship, YTA.
Don’t badmouth your ex to your child. YTA
Last Updated on April 7, 2023 by Chifundo