Jason Momoa is honestly a chaotic kind of person. Not only is he high-energy and always on the go, he’s also silly, funny, and loves to have a laugh.
These factors can combine to create a pretty wild experience sometimes, and I love when that experience happens on social media for all of us to see, like it did in a new set of pictures he recently shared.
It’s not uncommon for a post from Jason Momoa to get a lot of attention on Instagram.

Like when he shared this shot of himself getting clean after a dune buggy ride that prompted tons of fans to inquire about how to get the job of “hosing down Jason Momoa.”
If you’ve figured it out, by the way, let me know.
Jason shared this photo recently, and the reaction was not the usual reaction to his pictures.

“Another amazing day with these legends my lil homie @erikellington and his lil homie lil m**o MULE,” Jason captioned this photo of himself with a friend, a smaller version of that friend, and a skateboard.
Most fans, however, picked up on one particularly noticable feature of Jason’s in the picture.
His arm is incredibly long in the shot.

Fans were extremely confused by this shot, with some wondering if it was just a side effect of the positioning Jason’s body was in or a perspective trick, and others wondering what kind of editing was used to achieve the effect.
My money is personally on editing due to the fact that his friend has been edited into the picture twice.

Whatever the cause, the picture is honestly hilarious to look at, and I love whenever Jason shows off his silly, chaotic side!
What do you think about Jason’s big arm? Let us know your opinion in the comments below!
Last Updated on September 3, 2020 by Rae Batchelor