We all have those family members who give us ridiculous nicknames, right? Well, one family has an uncle who doesn’t seem to know his nieces’ and nephews’ names, so he’s given them all nicknames like “the big one”, “blondie”, and “the boy”. But one sister, dubbed “the hag”, is not having it anymore! ♀️ She’s grown tired of her not-so-flattering nickname and wants it changed. But is she being unreasonable, or should her uncle start calling her by her real name? Let’s dive into this family drama and find out!
♂️ Uncle’s Mysterious Nicknames ️♂️
♀️ The Hag’s Origin Story
Mom’s Witchy Ways
The Hag’s Birthday Present
Sister’s Furious Meltdown
️ My Two Cents
Sister’s Angry Response
The Hag vs. The Uncle: A Family Feud
Our story begins with a family of siblings who have been given nicknames by their uncle since they were little. The youngest sister, known as “the hag”, used to be okay with her nickname, but now that she’s older, she’s fed up with it. She even sent back a birthday present because it had “the hag” written on the label! This Christmas, her nickname changed to “the grouch”, but she still wasn’t happy and threw a fit, demanding her uncle use her real name. The protagonist tried to calm her down and told her to accept her nickname, but now she’s being called a b**ch and her parents want her to apologize. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
User calls out OP for being insensitive and suggests retaliation.
Uncle’s deliberate choice to upset sister with insulting nickname. YTA.
Insensitive behavior towards sister’s boundaries. YTA and uncle.
Growing up with hurtful nicknames makes YTA in this situation
Sister returns gift over offensive nickname; family enables a*****e uncle. YTA.
Defending the bullied sister from the YTA uncle
Being called a b***h is never okay
Why give insulting nicknames? Just call people what they want
Insulting nickname – YTA should respect her feelings
Respect people’s boundaries. Don’t force offensive nicknames. YTA
Recognize people’s limits on teasing. Respect boundaries. YTA.
Nickname double standard called out in fiery comment
Ignoring your sister’s feelings? You might lose her too
Uncle called her ‘the hag’ and OP is defending him
Offensive nickname causes family feud, YTA and uncle at fault
Uncle’s offensive nickname for niece – YTA by proxy
Choose a new nickname. YTA & Uncle for ignoring her request. ♀️
Validating YTA comment calling out offensive nickname and behavior.
When teasing goes too far…
Respect is important, calling someone by their name is essential
Sister has a right to hate offensive nickname, uncle is wrong.
Calling someone a name they dislike is not acceptable. YTA
Uncle needs to learn names, YTA for not respecting that.
YTA for not having your sister’s back, grow up
Sibling and uncle clash over offensive nickname, verdict: YTA & TA
Inconsistent OP gets called out, earns a YTA verdict
Teasing hurts, YTA. It’s not funny, even as an adult.
Sister singled out for mean nickname, YTA according to comment.
Offensive nickname causing family feud. Listen to discomfort. YTA
Sister felt dehumanized by offensive nickname. Family should adjust behavior. YTA
Stand up for yourself and tell your uncle to stop!
YTA for persisting in a behavior she doesn’t want.
Uncle’s nicknames are r**e and disrespectful. YTA for defending him.
Sister slams uncle and sibling over offensive nickname. YTA.
Disrespectful nickname not okay, YTA. Uncle can change it again.
Sibling feud over offensive nickname leads to bullying accusation
User calls out YTA for interfering in family feud
Uncle refuses to stop using offensive nickname. YTA confirmed
Bullying and name-calling is not acceptable, YTA
Respect personal boundaries. Calling someone a grouch is childish
Respect boundaries, YTA.
Sassy reply burns OP, no-nonsense approach to offensive nickname.
OP called out for being TA over nickname dispute
Insults aren’t jokes. YTA for not respecting boundaries.
Sibling and uncle fight over a hurtful nickname
Sister stands up to offensive nickname, uncle shows little respect
Sister stands up against offensive nickname, uncle should back off
Defending against offensive nickname. YTA called out.
Calling people offensive nicknames is r**e, YTA and uncle.
Sister vs. uncle feud over offensive nickname YTA called out
Sibling and uncle feud over offensive nickname, YTA called out
Support your sister, YTA. She’s suffering from your uncle’s bullying
YTA receives backlash for insensitive behavior
Uncle’s offensive nickname sparks backlash and YTA comment
Calling a child “the hag” is mean spirited YTA
Sibling defends sister’s boundaries, calls out superficial uncle.
Nickname drama: Calling someone ‘the hag’ is never okay
Sibling bullying is not okay. OP is TA here.
Insensitive uncle bullies niece, family ignores sister’s concerns. ♀️
Words hurt, and hearing crappy things about yourself can start to effect your subconscious and inner narrative. YTA but not as much as your uncle.
Last Updated on March 17, 2024 by Diply Social Team