Since the premiere of the eighth and final season of Game Of Thrones aired on Sunday, fans have been keeping their eyes peeled for any major foreshadowing — and this just in, Bran is a lurk .
Fans are noticing that he’s kinda just always around, staring.

It’s not a coincidence that everywhere you look, Bran’s there being creepy as all h**l.
Not to mention that he literally never misses a chance to let people know that he’s a “Three-Eyed Raven”.

Like, nobody really asked — he just keeps bringing it up. It’s starting to be a bit of a red flag.
Bran’s entire role is just sorta being the guy who’s always around, creepily staring from the sidelines, and eavesdropping on conversations he’s not supposed to.

Way to make everybody feel uncomfortable, Bran. Nice job.
But some fans are considering that Bran might be spying even more than we may think — in raven form.

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. Maybe, just maybe , he is the “Three-Eyed Raven” after all.
Do you notice anything suspicious about this shot?

I know at first, I sure didn’t.
But a few detail-oriented die-hard fans noticed that Bran is lurking in the background of this photo, hiding in plain sight.
The ultimate stalker, himself: Bran.

We already knew he was about that bird life. We should’ve seen this coming.
In case you’re unclear what scene this is, this is Sansa’s reunion with Tyrion on the Winterfell balcony.
Sansa and Tyrion share a heartfelt moment of friendship when she apologizes for ditching him.

Why Bran feels the need to peep on this moment is still unclear. But the puzzle pieces are all slowly coming together.
But the more critical question we should be asking, is if Bran was lurking in on this conversation and we didn’t notice, how many others have their been?
How many times has there been a raven casually chilling in the background of a scene that we’ve missed?
He obviously doesn’t understand the concept of boundaries. So, has anybody truly been safe from his spying?

Has he been following Jon and Dany around? weirdly watching them make out by the waterfall? Is he that kind of creep?
One fan pointed out that Winterfell must be super wheelchair accessible since Bran keeps popping up everywhere.
But you may have noticed that there aren’t any wheelchair ramps in sight. Maybe Bran is getting around in other ways if you catch my drift…
Another fan joked that Bran is always around when he doesn’t need to be.
Like when you get up at 3 am to have a spoonful of peanut butter.
This person compared Bran to a video of this dog popping up in literally every window they walk past.
This basically sums up Bran’s entire role in the series. Except this dog is way cuter.
Here is the perfect representation of what Bran looks like — ominously staring and eavesdropping on everybody like:
This is the stuff of nightmares.
He is everywhere .
Another fan wants to know if Bran just lives in the courtyard of Winterfell.
That’s just what he wants us to believe. But really he’s flapping his wings and holding stake-outs on everyone’s window sills, collecting info.
Do you think there might actually be something to this fan theory?

Is Bran actually the Three-Eyed Raven — spying on everyone , secretly collecting all that hot gossip?
Last Updated on April 16, 2019 by Elizabeth Spina