I don’t know about you, but fall is one of my favorite seasons .
There’s just so much to love from the crisp leaves to fall foliage to the latest trending items in fall fashion . It just makes you want to make a cup of tea and curl up with some cozy blankets.
Another reason why fall is the best: each Autumn, a bunch of trees in a forest in Oregon form a smiley face!
Before we make you smile with the smiling tree, let’s get into some more reasons why fall is one of the best seasons.

1: There’s pumpkin everything.
While watermelon is the official fruit of the summer months, pumpkin represents fall.
You could name a food and there’s probably a pumpkin-flavored twist on it.

This could be pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin donuts, and even pumpkin-flavored ice cream, oh my! Of course, you can’t forget the best part this time of year: pumpkin-flavored drinks.
There’s the iconic pumpkin-spice latte that you can get from your favorite coffee shop, like Starbucks.

It’s basically fall in a cup. It’s so warm and cozy. There are also pumpkin cold brews and tea. Get it before it’s gone!
2: There are so many delicious desserts!

When you’re not gorging on all the different pumpkin-based foods, treat yourself to the many desserts of the season. These can be enjoyed any time and day of the week; not just on Thanksgiving.
There are caramel apples, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and pecan pie (basically any kind of pie).

Wander out to a pumpkin patch and you’re bound to enjoy these treats there (and take part in fall activities, like hay rides and corn mazes).
3: Fall fashion
Once you put your summer dresses away, you can focus on the beauty of fall fashion. Sites like Pinterest are full of stylish outfits, like jackets, scarves, sweaters, and boots. All of these can be layered to serve up an Instagram-worthy look.
4: Fall foliage

In the wise words of Pauly D from Jersey Shore , we love nature this time of year! The intense summer heat dies down at the end of August, making way for cooler temps, crisp leaves, and changing colors.
If you were to go for a walk now, you’re bound to be amazed at all the sights.

There are gorgeous hues of red, orange, and gold. Plus, it helps that you don’t have to deal with bugs like you did all summer.
Now, we come to another reason why fall is the best: nature does some miraculous things.

Just consider the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton, Canada . People travel from all over the world to take in the sights. The breathtaking views in New England in the United States aren’t too shabby, either.
Those in Oregon know that it’s officially Autumn when a giant smiley face emerges from the forest.

Since these trees are deciduous, their needles turn yellow this time of year. With the Douglas fir trees surrounding them, it makes up the eyes and the mouth.
So go ahead and add highway 18 in Oregon to your bucket list.
It’s a true sight to see. Plus, the trees won’t be there forever; they will be harvested by the lumber company in about 30-50 years. So check it out!
Last Updated on September 23, 2022 by Sarah Kester