Imagine finally taking a much-needed vacation with your fiancé‘s family only to have your worst childhood fear come true. That’s what happened to this woman on her vacation. After being dumped into the pool by her fiancé , she was so shaken up that she hid in her room for the rest of the trip. But was she being selfish by ruining the vacation for everyone else? Or was it her fiancé’s fault for not knowing about her fear of water? Read on to find out what Reddit users had to say about the situation and whether or not she was the a**hole in this situation.
Conquering fears: One woman’s struggle with water and trauma.
Fiancé’s family loves water activities, but I’m not a fan ♀️
Dumped in the pool by fiancé and ended up fainting
Traumatized woman hides in room for rest of vacation
Don’t let one bad experience ruin your whole vacation
Bride-to-be traumatized after pool incident, but AITA for ruining vacation?
Traumatizing pool incident leaves woman hiding on vacation
A traumatic incident at a pool during her vacation leaves a woman hiding in her room. Although she had told her fiance about her fear of large bodies of water, he still ended up pushing her into the pool, causing her to faint. Despite feeling better later on, she still chose to hide in her room and avoid everyone. Eventually, she was convinced to come out, but not before being told she was ruining the vacation for everyone. Was she in the wrong for hiding or was her fear justified? Read on for reactions and comments.
Fiancé not at fault for not knowing, but throwing someone in a pool without their consent is TA move. NAH, but a lot of discussion and work ahead.
Communicate with your fiancé and seek counseling for trauma
Communication is key to preventing triggering a phobia. Both parties share fault.
Engaged woman traumatized after being thrown in pool without consent. NTA
Dumping someone in a pool without consent = ESH. Trauma reaction.
Commenter questions lack of communication about water activities
Traumatized woman rightfully defends herself against pool incident
Pushing people into pools is dangerous and never acceptable. NTA.
Commenter supports OP and condemns cousin’s wife’s nosiness.
Traumatized OP hides in room after being thrown into triggering situation.
Pushing someone into a pool is a**hole behavior. NTA
Don’t let anyone guilt you for your trauma reactions.
NTA but communication with fianceè is important
Lifeguard explains why fiance is TA but sharing traumas is important ♀️
Communicating fears in a relationship is key ️
Commenter questions why the woman didn’t mention her fear of water before the vacation
Fiancé pushes traumatized partner into water, gets what he deserves
Fiancé didn’t know she was scared of water before pool incident
OP’s trauma reaction justified, should not be blamed or punished
Seeking support after trauma, family member adds insult to injury
Misunderstood comment leads to embarrassing confusion
Remember to communicate fears and boundaries with your partner
Communication is key Don’t hide, talk to your fiancée
Dumping someone in a pool is never funny ♀️ #NTA
Pushing someone into water without consent is never okay
Traumatized woman needs space, but communication with boyfriend is important ❤️
OP’s fiancé traumatized her, NTA 1000%. Avoiding triggers is valid
Overcoming childhood trauma and taking responsibility for your own triggers
Throwing someone into a pool is not a prank. NTA
Take care of yourself first ♀️, sharing trauma is optional.
Engaged woman traumatized by pool incident; ESH, but communication matters
Fiancé pressures her into forgiving SIL’s awful behavior
Throwing people in pools is lazy and dangerous. NTA.
Fiance chucks her into the pool, traumatizing her. NTA but hiding now?
Understanding trauma: invalidating someone’s response can worsen trauma
Don’t let anyone guilt you into facing your fears.
Don’t let anyone push you into the pool Stand your ground
Take all the time you need to heal . Toxic people everywhere.
Commenter defends OP who was thrown in pool against will
BF and cousin’s wife may be AHs for pool incident
Dumped and traumatized, she hides from her ex and water ♀️
Throwing someone in water without consent is never okay. NTA
Standing up for yourself is not throwing a tantrum
Supportive comment section with NTA judgement and clapping hands emoji
Engaged woman pushed into pool without consent, NTA but ESH.
Dumping someone in a pool never ends well. NTA.
Respect her boundaries! Saying no should be enough. ♀️
Pushing someone into a pool without consent is never okay
Traumatizing pool incident on vacation leads to justified fear.
Pushing someone into water can have serious consequences NTA
Consent is key! Stand up against non-consensual actions.
Overcoming phobias, insensitive cousin’s wife, and guilt-tripping.
Communication is key: Discussing concerns before vacations ️
Fiancé’s pool prank triggers trauma, Redditor says NTA. Replies disagree.
Traumatizing pool incident ruins vacation, NTA for protecting yourself and seeking therapy
Overcoming fears and communication are key in relationships.
Communicate with your future spouse about your triggers
Woman traumatized after being thrown in pool, not TA for hiding ♀️
Fiancé pushed her in the pool due to ignorance, ESH. Talk it out.
Fiancé and family need better communication, therapist could help
Cousin’s thoughtless action triggers childhood trauma. NAH, but traumatized.
Last Updated on March 28, 2023 by Azka