Ellen Pompeo is not putting up with any disrespect aimed at the women she shares a network with.
If I didn’t already love her, I certainly do now.
You go girl.
There is a feud bubbling under the surface at ABC between Ellen Pompeo, Kelly Ripa, and the creator of “The Bachelor” franchise Mike Fleiss.

There has never been a better time for women to be banding together and standing up for one another — and that’s just what Ellen and Kelly did.
Earlier this week on “Live With Kelly and Ryan,” Kelly told the audience that the entire “Bachelor” franchise “disgusts” her.

Kelly’s co-host, Ryan Seacrest, revealed that a current Bachelor contestant, Hannah Brown, would be a guest on their show.
While Kelly doesn’t have any issue with Hannah, she didn’t hold back on what she thinks of the entire “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette” franchise.

She reinforced her opinion with the audience, calling it a “gross, gross show.”
“You know how I feel about this show? It disgusts me,” she went on.

“And I thought that I was disgusted because I couldn’t stand the idea of 25 exceptional women fighting over one ordinary fella, in my opinion.”
“You know how we feel ladies! We are too special to be arguing over a guy,” she said.

The creator and host of “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette”, Mike Fleiss and Chris Harrison, quickly shaded Kelly on Twitter in retaliation.
Mike tweeted first, telling Kelly to simmer down because the franchise is responsible for her salary.
Chris followed Mike’s lead, calling on all Bachelor and Bachelorette fans.
He shared an article, quoting Kelly Ripa’s aforementioned comment.

He tried to rally up fans, telling them that Kelly was “coming after” them, attacking their favorite Monday night reality show.
Despite their best efforts, fans found Mike and Chris’ comments misogynistic and highly arguable.

Countless fans spoke up, defending Kelly — calling this what it is: Misogyny.
This person tweeted that they have never seen a single episode of “The Bachelor”, but they have watched Kelly Ripa everyday for nearly 15 years.

They added that the concept of the show isn’t even entertaining, it’s a “man’s fantasy” that’s been forced on us all these years.
Another fan pointed out that Kelly Ripa has been a successful television personality longer than “The Bachelor” franchise has even existed.

They went on, saying that it would be more realistic to assume that Kelly pays their salary, not the other way around.
Some fans were shaking their heads at Mike’s tweet, disappointed that he had the audacity to write such a thing.

This person fired back, saying Kelly works hard and earns her own money.
This fan pointed out that this is just another example of a man trying to take credit for a woman’s success.

But really, it was just a temper tantrum.
Among the countless fans defending Kelly was “Grey’s Anatomy” star, Ellen Pompeo, who was not about to let Mike get away with his comment.
Not only did she call him out for inaccurately taking credit for Kelly’s salary, she also brought up an entirely different issue.
“#bachelorsoooowhite,” she tweeted.
And that’s the tea.

Ellen Pompeo is a savage.
Fans quickly applauded her for standing up for Kelly and for pointing out the lack of diversity on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette .
Do not mess with Meredith Grey. She will come for you.
Neither Mike or Chris have replied to Ellen’s tweet — probably in fear of getting dragged some more.
Last Updated on May 17, 2019 by Elizabeth Spina