Celebrities usually wait to announce their baby’s name to afford themselves a little more privacy, and that’s what Paris Hilton did. Little did we know that Ellen DeGeneres guessed it a year ago. Here are the details.
Paris Hilton Welcomes Baby Boy
Around the 24th of January 2023, Paris Hilton’s baby was born. However, we did not know the name, but we knew it was a boy. The model and singer took to Instagram to announce the news with a caption that read, “You are already loved beyond words .”
Yes, Ellen Really Guess The Name!

Yes, Ellen DeGeneres made some guesses about what Paris Hilton would name her future son in a 2020 episode of The Ellen Show.
The Boy Has A Name!

Name, Phoenix, Paris, and her husband, Carter Reum, both 42, welcomed their first child through surrogacy. In her excitement, the actress told People , “It’s always been my dream to be a mother and I’m so happy that Carter and I found each other.” She continued, “We are so excited to start our family together and our hearts are exploding with love for our baby boy.”
Prediction Or Suggestion?

What makes the mind boggle is that even before the couple was expecting, Ellen, the talk show host, predicted their baby’s name.
A Psychic Moment Or Just A Coincidence?
This story of mere surprise goes back to January 27th, 2022, when Paris, The Simple Life star, was invited to Ellen’s show. She talked about everything, from her wedding with Carter to their family planning, which included having “lots of babies.”
How Much Are Lots Of Babies?
To be specific, when asked, “lots of babies?” Paris replied, “I want a couple, yeah, probably like two or three.”
Naming After A Country, A Big Hint?

When asked if she had already picked out names, Paris gave an exciting answer. She said she wants to include her favorite city in her future child’s name.
London Was An Option

She also extended her reply by mentioning a name just in case she has a baby girl, “London Marilyn Hilton Reum.”
Idea Behind The Given Name
The name Paris claimed she would keep if she ever had a daughter was simple; London because it’s her favorite city, Marilyn after her grandmother, and the last two as her parent’s surnames.
Naming The Boy After A City, Too
When asked what she would name her baby if it were a boy, Paris said the name would also be after a city. She did not feel like mentioning the name because she wanted it to be unique — not something that others would steal.
What Made Ellen Give Away The Name?

Upon knowing this, Ellen counter-questioned about the name already belonging to someone. Paris was expecting that no one would guess it beforehand, but Ellen was determined to give away a few guesses.
A Spot On Guess

That’s when she said, “Argentina? Phoenix?” Paris just giggled and, as per her facial expressions, got a little nervous but didn’t give away any hint. So, it wasn’t a psychic moment but just a pretty good GUESS!
Ellen’s Coincidence Turning Into A Real Psychic Moment!
Now that Paris revealed the name to the world, it’s true — Ellen was 100% correct. Well, it takes us back to when Paris Hilton giggled but did not confirm or deny anything at the time.
But Was The Name Influenced By Ellen’s Guess?
In July 2021, Paris Hilton announced that she had named her son “Carter” in honor of her family’s surname. It’s unclear whether Paris had already decided on the name at the time of Ellen’s guesses or whether they influenced her in any way.
Why Phoenix?
Paris — also named after a city — wanted the same for her kids. She named her baby boy after Phoenix because of its meaning: the birth of flames, rise from the ashes to fly again.
Name With A Powerful Message
This would serve as a message to her son that no matter how big a disaster is, it goes and comes around, but there’s always a better future. The middle name belongs to Pari’s mentor, her grandfather. She considered naming her son after her grandfather an honor because she has grown up looking up to her grandfather.
Years Back Planning
As per Paris’s latest announcement, she claimed that she had decided to name her baby boy Pheonix years back when she was looking for different cities, countries, and states on a map.
But Did The Name Have Anything To Do With Ellen’s Prediction?
So no, she didn’t take Ellen’s hint as a suggestion — it was all pre-planned. In fact, it had nothing to do with anyone close to her either. Paris claimed on her recent podcast that no one, not even her mother or siblings, knew about this baby coming. She revealed this big news to them a week after Phoenix’s birth.
Final Take

Well, whatever the reason might be, we wish Paris and her family a HUGE congratulations on the birth of a baby son.
Last Updated on February 24, 2023 by Dani Sanders