Meet a talented 19-year-old college student who has a knack for sewing custom dresses for events like proms, dances, and parties. She runs her business primarily on Instagram, offering affordable prices compared to the market. But what happens when a customer tries to return a dress after already wearing it to an event? ✨
Sewing Prodigy’s Side Hustle
Affordable Fashion on Instagram
The Return Policy Explained
Preventing Dress Fraud
A Dress Return Request
Event Cancelled, Return Initiated ⛔
Caught Red-Handed on Instagram
Customer’s Furious Response
The Real Reason for Refunds ♀️
Worn Dress, No Refund
Reselling Dilemma
Policy Followed, But… ♀️
To Refund or Not to Refund?
Our dressmaker is in a bind after a customer tries to return a dress that she already wore to an event. While the customer technically followed the return policy, the dressmaker feels that refunding her would be unfair. After all, she can’t resell a worn dress, and refunds are usually for cancelled events or unsatisfactory dresses. What do you think? Should the dressmaker stick to her policy, or is she right to deny the refund?
NTA dressmaker advised to remove returns policy and stand firm.
NTA caught a lying customer trying to defraud them for refund
NTA suggests updating return policy to prevent worn dress returns
Sassy response to denied refund suggestion gets agreement
Worn dress = used goods. NTA for seeking refund.
Prevent refunds for worn clothes with obnoxious tags. (NTA!)
Bespoke dress refund denied, commenters debate return policies
Customer tries to return worn dress, commenters support store’s decision.
Customer found loophole in returns policy, give refund and update policy. NTA
Experienced commenter advises on handling a scammer customer
Don’t let entitled customers take advantage of your business
Helpful advice on handling a refund dispute with evidence needed
NTA. Refund for a worn dress is unjustified. Similar experiences shared
NTA suggests stopping return policy, YTA replies confirm abuse.
Generous return policy causing trouble. NTA for denying refund
Custom dress return policy: NTA for denying refund for worn dress
Refund denied for worn dress, but was she lying?
Customer exploits lenient return policy, but is technically not wrong. NTA.
Legal advice recommends refund to avoid possible litigation. Invest in hygiene stickers.
Sewing expert advises no return policy for custom orders. NTA.
No refunds for worn dresses. She took advantage of you
Update policy wording to ‘unworn’ items and learn consumer law
Customer lied about dress event, refund policy needs updating
Customer lies about event for return, dressmaker not at fault
Make sales final to avoid dishonest customers
Customer tries to loophole return policy, but dressmaker may be wrong.
Proving a point with receipts
NTA dressmaker refuses returns, sparks debate on business practices
Advice for small business owners on setting return policies
Seamstress gives helpful advice on policies and pricing
Is the dress refund policy clear? Let’s gather information
Clear return policy needed to prevent worn item returns. NTA
Return policy loophole leads to ESH situation. Refund and revise.
Calling the client a scammer? Bold move, but justified
Small business owner shares frustration with entitled customers
Clear return policy needed. NTA for wanting a refund.
Policy built on good faith, customer not acting in good faith
Ingenious solution for dress refunds
NTA suggests amending returns policy to reduce time limit ⏰
Business policies vs customer satisfaction. YTA or NAH?
ESH for following policy but swindling is not okay
Fair judgement, but update policy for clarity
Straightforward solution to dress refund dilemma
Seller receives NTA comment advising to change refund policy
Expert dressmaker defends no return policy for custom-made dresses
Fair policy but bad customer experience. Consider updating policy.
Customer wears dress, can’t return it. Dressmaker updates policy ✅
Lesson learned: Update return policy to disallow wearing before return
Last Updated on June 9, 2023 by Diply Social Team