There is nobody out there doing it like Dolly Parton!
Dolly is a total icon, legend, superstar — you name it, she’s it! From being a legendary songwriter and singer to founding the Imagination Library to help improve children’s literacy, Dolly has been doing her best to make the world a better place longer than some of us have been alive!
Information about the coronavirus pandemic is rapidly changing and Diply is committed to providing the most recent data as it becomes available. Some of the information in this story may have changed since publication, and we encourage readers to use online resources from CDC and WHO to stay up to date on the latest information surrounding COVID-19.
Dolly Parton also made a huge impact on the coronavirus pandemic.
Dolly helped fund the Moderna vaccine by donating a whopping $1 million dollars towards its development , saying at the time, “I just wanted to do good.”
Now that the vaccine has been completed and is being rolled out, you’d think Dolly would be one of the first in line, but that’s not the case!
Despite being 75 and in the right age range to receive the current round of vaccines, Dolly wants others to have the opportunity first.

“I’d get it now, but I’m not going to jump the line,” Dolly told USA Today about why she’s waiting. “I think we’re going to need it, because things are not looking good out there.”
Dolly also explained she didn’t contribute to the acuse for herself, but for everyone else.

“I didn’t donate the money so I could be protected,” Dolly told CNN about why she’s waiting, “I did it for everybody.”
“I’m not going to get mine until some more people get theirs,” Dolly said .
“I’m very funny about that. I’m going to get mine though, but I’m going to wait,” she said.
“I’m at the age where I could have gotten mine legally last week. I turned 75. I was going to do it on my birthday, and I thought, ‘Nah, don’t do that. You’ll look like you’re just doing a show.’ None of my work is really like that,” she went on.
We love Dolly, AND we love her selfless attitude!
Last Updated on February 3, 2021 by Rae Batchelor