It hasn’t been an easy year for Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman, best known for his work as a bounty hunter on Dog The Bounty Hunter and Dog’s Most Wanted . Fortunately, it looks like the Chapman family is sticking together through it.
Dog’s wife of 13 years, Beth Chapman, tragically passed away last year at the age of 51.

Beth had been diagnosed with stage-four throat cancer the year before, but passed away on June 26th, 2019. Much of her illness was documented in the show Dog’s Most Wanted .
Initially, there were rumors that Dog had begun a new relationship with Beth’s friend and maid of honor, Moon Angell.

While Dog later insisted that his relationship with Moon was purely platonic, fans were not pleased with the apparent romance between the two, and neither was Dog’s daughter Lyssa, who shared some fiery tweets on the subject .
However, it appears there’s a new woman in Dog’s life, for real this time.

Lyssa seems much more on board with this relationship, having shared a photograph recently posted by Dog’s new girlfriend, Francie Frane. Francie captioned the shot, “So excited for this new chapter!” while Lyssa had shared, “How cute are these two?”
People in the comments were conflicted, but Bonnie Jo, Dog and Beth’s 20-year-old daughter, chimed in to defend her father.

“Everyone who’s judging my father should sure pray that they never have to lose their loved one and get judged for trying to fill the void,” Bonnie wrote in the comments of Lyssa’s post.
“Your opinion is invalid.”

“My mother would’ve wanted him to be happy. Now please shut up and let me my dad live in peace,” she finished.
Well said!
Francie seems unconcerned with the haters, and recently shared another photo of Dog.

“Let’s see if we can show this bounty hunting tough guy how to run some equipment, like us country folks do!!” she captioned this shot, which Dog reshared on his own page.
We’re so happy to see Dog happy again!
Last Updated on April 16, 2020 by Rae Batchelor