The health troubles for Beth Chapman, wife of Dog The Bounty Hunter, have taken another turn for the worse. Despite this, the couple remains positive, sharing an image on Instagram, calling it just “another bend in the road.”
Cancer Returns
Chapman was taken to the hospital for surgery back in November, with the couple’s attorney Andrew Brettler confirming it was the return of her throat cancer according to Entertainment Tonight:
I can confirm that Beth was hospitalised today and underwent surgery to remove a mass in her throat, which was determined to be a reoccurrence of the cancer.
I understand that the situation is very serious. We are all concerned for her and the well-being of the Chapman family.
‘Stay Humble, Pray’
The latest image comes alongside reports that Beth Chapman’s cancer is incurable at this point and has spread to her lungs. According to PopCulture, Chapman had five ounces of fluid drained from her lungs From Unilad:
Half of her lung was full of water. I have to keep faith, I am the leader of the family.
She thinks she is, but I am. I have to keep it where I don’t have any doubts and keep everything positive. I love my honey so much, I don’t know what I’m gonna do.
Other Options
The next steps for Beth Chapman is a reported “four to eight chemotherapy sessions,” but it would seem that the Chapman’s are exploring other options too.
A Strong Bond
The couple was married in 2006 after spending 16 years together, with two children and Beth’s daughter rounding out the family. From their public statements, the couple is not ready to give up despite the bad news.
Chapman Family Keeping The Faith
They have two children together: Bonnie Joanne Chapman and Garry Chapman, and Beth’s daughter Cecily.
Close-Knit Family
Beth Chapman and Dog’s son, Garry, appears to be even taller than his dad. Beth posted a pic of the three of them, with Garry in the middle. Beth wrote on her Instagram:
“Our son is getting so tall he towers over both of us.”
Beth May Be Planning Funeral is reporting that Beth may be planning her funeral. As Dog explains: “She’s like, ‘Here’s the casket I want, and here’s the flowers.’ I said, ‘Beth, don’t say that.’ And she said, ‘What? You don’t want me planning my funeral? Well, I’m going to,’ ” Dog told_Us_. It’s tough to hear the family is going through this. “And she’ll say, ‘You have to face the facts.’ But I don’t want to,” Dog said.
Dog, Beth Post Often For Fans
In better times, Beth and Dog would often travel together. She posted this photo Nov. 3 of being on the road in Hawaii.
Beth’s Style Always Live-Out-Loud
Beth always has a special flair, and loves to add bling to her nails. In this post from Oct. 27, she shows off her new look, calling them “Birthday nails.”
Beth’s Sense Of Humor Intact
Beth hasn’t lost her sense of humor. Dog says she woke him up one night to tell him a joke. “She woke me up the other night and told me, ‘You’re so d**n stupid. If I die, you’re going to lose the farm.’ And I said, ‘Don’t you dare say that,’ and she said, ‘Well, it’s true!’ and I said, ‘Beth, we don’t even have a farm,’ ” Dog says.
He added that things like that show Beth’s personality, which hasn’t changed despite going through such a rough time. “[I’m] telling you that story because it shows that she’s still got her wit. It’s not in her brain. I don’t even like to hear jokes like that from her, though.”
They’re Gonna Stick It Out Together
US Weekly says besides chemotherapy options, the two are also exploring alternate types of therapy. The battle’s not over for Beth and Dog.
Last Updated on December 13, 2018 by Andrew Roberts