I know why you’re here. Even though you know this list is going to be filled with really creepy things, you just can’t look away. And that’s okay, because I really couldn’t, either.
There are some seriously weird things out there. Like, really weird. Even though they mostly have an explanation, that somehow doesn’t make them any less creepy. Maybe that’s part of the charm, though.
“This is a bear without hair.”

I feel like no one should ever see something like this. Hairless bears just don’t look right. It almost looks like a person in a werewolf costume.
Apparently, it’s a sign of mange , which is a parasitic infection. That just makes me feel bad for the poor, bald bear.
“A penguins mouth.”

I always knew penguins couldn’t be trusted. Sure, penguins are generally pretty cute. But I feel like they’re too cute, like they’re hiding something.
I probably won’t run into a penguin in real life, but if I ever did, I would for sure be running in the opposite direction.
“On the road out of Reykjavik.”

It’s pictures like these that make me feel like Iceland is full of ghosts. Like, how can an entire country be so beautiful, yet so haunting at the same time? I wonder if this kind of fog is common, because it doesn’t look like those cars are phased or anything.
“This dolphin toy for sale at a beach shop.”

There are about 80 things wrong with this dolphin toy, and most of them are the teeth. Like, I know dolphins have teeth, but that doesn’t mean I have to see them. This toy really feels more like a shark gone wrong than anything else.
“Haybale SpongeBob from a scarecrow trail.”

At least whoever made this got the essence of SpongeBob right. It’s yellow, rectangular, and has buck teeth and a tie. But it’s the execution that needs work. SpongeBob may not be everyone’s favorite character, but at least he doesn’t leave kids with nightmares. Unlike this frightening sight.
“What I saw when walking through a parking lot.”

Yeah, this is something you see and then just run away from, not stop to take pictures of. I feel like that bunny mask could come to life at any time.
But I guess I’m glad someone (who isn’t me) took a picture of it. For some reason, I can’t stop staring…
“This spider web that looks like a skull.”

Do… do you think the spider knows? Does it know what a human skull looks like, and modeled its web after one? Or maybe it’s just a super crazy coincidence. I can’t really see how this would help it capture prey, since it looks like one huge red flag.
“These ‘bears.’”

This is why people are afraid of animatronics. They just don’t look right. I feel like this picture is going to reignite a lot of childhood fears.
I’m pretty sure I’m going to have nightmares about these ones now.
“This kid sitting on the fence looks like she’s floating and missing half of her body.”

The fact that the cardigan hangs over the edge is what makes it look like the kid is floating instead of just sitting there. I actually had a mini heart attack at first because I thought this was a ghost missing its legs. But ghosts (probably) aren’t real, and that other explanation makes more sense anyway.
“This creepy fake child In Denmark.”

So apparently, this fake kid is used to keep drivers from going too fast, since they’d see it and think it was a real kid. One comment on the original posts says, “This is pretty clever. People now won’t drive as fast as they normally would.”
But it’s still really creepy.
“Wax figures of American Presidents from the Gettysburg’s Hall of Presidents, which closed in 2016.”

I can see why this place closed down. Wax figures almost never look like the people they’re supposed to depict. And these ones look more like the nightmare versions of the presidents. Like, I’m pretty sure none of them actually looked like that (I mean, for all I know, the Lincoln one might be accurate).
“This is hardened sap from a cherry tree in my yard.”

Sap isn’t really scary or anything. But there’s just something about the way this sap hardened that’s kind of creepy. It looks like weird bugs that are also see-through for some reason. I dunno. I just don’t like it.
But it’s juuust interesting enough to want to keep staring at it.
“This kiwi disemboweling a fallen comrade.”

The very obviously terrifying thing about this image is the fact that it has a kiwi eating another kiwi. Like, did they not think that through? It’s basically cannibalism. Even if it’s just with kiwi fruit.
And there’s something about the face on the kiwi that’s really bugging me. It feels like it’s staring into my soul.
“This clothes peg looks a bit like a Xenomorph (‘Alien’).”

See, it mostly looks like a regular clothes pin. But because the person who took this picture had to point out that it kind of looks like the creatures from the movie “Alien,” I just can’t unsee it. I’m half-expecting a creepy tongue with a bunch of teeth to come out of it now.
“Melting wax statues.”

I feel like this statue probably has something to say, but I’m too dense to figure it out. At least it looks really cool – it’s like, a bit haunting and creepy, but also really well-done. I’d go to a museum filled with art like this.
“A baby stroller resistant to toxic gases, 1938.”

I guess it makes sense in theory, even if it looks like a mad scientist is carting around some kind of strange weapon. And the fact that it’s a picture from nearly a century ago automatically makes it creepy anyway.
“Seaweed visible in a wave.”

Even though I know it’s seaweed, I’d probably have a panic attack if I saw that. It looks like a bunch of tentacles for some kind of giant sea monster. This is actually making my fear of the ocean a lot worse, so that’s great.
“This parking spot is reserved for bees.”

Well, it’s at least nice that they’re giving the bees space. But wow, imagine actually parking in that spot, only to get swarmed with a bunch of angry bees. I really hope they can get that beehive removed quickly, because it could be dangerous to the surrounding spots, too.
“Climbing out of a tree stump.”

Trees have a tendency to make really creepy shapes, so I’m not surprised by how these roots and stump ended up looking. But somebody decided to take the creep factor up a notch and put a face on the stump. And they couldn’t even make it look friendly. It’s more like a serial killer.
“I found a huge botfly today.”

I don’t like it. It’s probably harmless, but I don’t like it. The thing about flies is, they aren’t really supposed to be that big. So when you see a big one, it just doesn’t feel right. If I found a fly that size in my house, I’d just move.
“Hornets’ nest in central Ohio.”

On one hand, it’s almost like a really pretty piece of art. But on the other hand, it’s a hornets’ nest on what looks like a wall sconce. And it’s against someone’s house, right by the door (or window?). Yeah… better get rid of that as quickly as possible.
“Demon Blanket.”

Talk about perfect timing. The way the image looks like a woman and a demon are holding hands on either side of a balcony is strangely romantic. Like it’s some kind of forbidden love story or something.
Thankfully, though, it’s just a peculiar blanket.
“Earwigs really like my Giant Daisies.”

I can’t be the only person who thinks earwigs are the absolute worst, right? They’re so ugly, and the way they move creeps me out.
I have no idea why they’re so attracted to these daisies, but it’s time to get new plants. You can’t keep them after this.
“At Vezio’s Castle in Italy there are lots of these “phantom” like statues.”

Something about this statue is weirdly inviting? I guess it’s the way it’s sitting; it feels like the statue is asking you to come sit beside it. And I totally would. This would be a really great photo op. The kind you’d post to all your social media accounts.
“This spider has built its own house on a curtain in my room. It’s been here like this since days.”

I don’t trust it. This spider could leave that nest at any time, and disappear for weeks, only to resurface in your bedroom, or close to where you eat. Or it could jump at you when you least expect it. Time to get the vacuum out and take care of it,
“The look on its face.”

I’m sure that at some point, Pikachu looked a lot friendlier. But having any kind of plush toy on machinery used for construction is going to change it in more ways than one. Poor Pikachu is probably never going to get clean again, and looks way more sinister than he should.
“A hedge cut in half.”

Yeah, we definitely aren’t supposed to see the inside of a hedge like this. It looks like a spine with a bunch of nerves or something. Or, like, a brain.
At the same time, though, it’s kind of cool to see all the parts of a shrub that lead to the lush green parts we’re so used to.
“This is what running birds look like.”

I’ve just decided that birds of prey are no longer allowed to run. They have wings they can use. Leave the running on two legs to people. At least we don’t look like terrifying monsters when we do it (or maybe we do and just don’t know it).
“Bee hive created around this statues head.”

Well, that statue belongs to the bees now. Even if their hive makes the statue look like an alien creature. It doesn’t matter. What the bees want, the bees get. And I’d rather the hive be there then, say, close to my house. So I’m good.
“Those are octopus eggs. Mother is underneath guarding them.”

The person holding those eggs up is braver then I could ever be. Considering the fact that the mama octopus is right there , that dude is taking their life into their own hands. I would not want to mess with an octopus.
Last Updated on July 13, 2021 by Ashley Hunte