Picture this: you’re on a family vacation, where each night a different member of the group gets to pick the dinner spot. Sounds fun, right? But what happens when food preferences clash and allergies come into play? One woman found herself in the hot seat after her seafood selection left a sour taste in her boyfriend’s mouth. Let’s dive into this delicious drama, shall we? ️
The Vacation Dinner Roulette
The Dinner Dilemma Begins ️
The Unappetizing Asian Adventure
The Korean BBQ Double Whammy
The Seafood Showdown
The Tense Table ️
The Aftermath
The Accusation of Selfishness
The Allergy Argument
The Tense Trip Home
The Apology Consideration
The Seafood Saga: A Culinary Clash or an Allergy Alert? ️
A family vacation turned sour when a seafood selection sparked a family feud. The woman at the center of the controversy chose a seafood restaurant for her turn to pick the dinner spot, despite knowing that her boyfriend’s brother’s partner had a shellfish allergy. She justified her choice by pointing out that she had endured two nights of eating at a Korean BBQ place, which she didn’t enjoy. But her boyfriend accused her of being selfish, arguing that an allergy is a serious health concern. Now, she’s left wondering if she was in the wrong and whether she should apologize. What do you think? Let’s dive into the top responses from the internet…
“YTA. He had an allergy, he literally could not eat the food or he could die. Don’t expect to be invited again.”
“YTA, you’re being shellfish” – A selfish dinner dilemma unfolds. ️
“YTA. Your picky eating is not equal to a food allergy. Honestly “normal food”? Grow up.”
“YTA. He was not being overly dramatic, you were being overly selfish. And what the h**l is ‘normal food’? Do you mean American food? I’m very confused.”
A deathly allergy vs. ‘not liking the smell’. YTA
Selfishness and inconsideration: a seafood showdown with consequences. ️
YTA. Allergy vs preference: a red flag of self-absorption.
Allergy trumps preference, but is there racism at play? ️
“YTA- last family vacation you’re going on. And probably won’t belong before you won’t even have to worry about the bf being upset with you… he’ll be on the market for a NEW gf. You don’t like the Korean place, you go, you don’t eat, you survive. Bother’s bf, goes to a seafood place, touches the wrong thing, he’s in the hospital because you were too selfish. Grow up.”
Seafood debate turns into a fiery AH verdict ️
Food allergies and cultural insensitivity spark heated debate ️
“48 countries, 48 cuisines. Don’t let racism endanger lives. YTA.”
“YTA. Allergy vs. preference. You made the trip miserable for everyone “
“YTA. Seafood allergies can be deadly. You ARE the a**hole.”
YTA ruins family vacation by disregarding dietary restrictions ️
“YTA. Allergies t***p taste buds.”
“YTA for insisting on a seafood restaurant despite a seafood allergy. “
“YTA. Self-centered racist with no regard for others’ safety. Grow up OP.”
Comparing Asian food to non-Asian food? YTA
“YTA. Learn the difference and grow up.”
YTA: Refusing to eat vs not being able to order anything
Commenter shares personal experience with severe seafood allergy. YTA.
“YTA. Self absorbed and racist, what a combo! How embarrassing!”
Choosing empathy over seafood: A lesson for all foodies
YTA: Awkward family vacation due to your selfishness ️
YTA on vacation: Racist, self-absorbed, and oblivious to others
YTA for disregarding someone’s food allergies and being selfish
OP gets called out for gaslighting their BF’s life-threatening allergy
“Double a**hole! Bigotry towards Korean food and food allergy comparison.”
YTA: Selfish and callous behavior ruins family vacation.
YTA for forcing someone with a food allergy to eat seafood
Allergies are real, don’t risk someone’s health for your preference ️
Allergy ignorance sparks relationship turmoil.
Allergens over preferences? You might be the a****e.
“YTA. Korean BBQ is normal food. Unless you are vegan.”
YTA’s disrespectful comment about Asian food sparks heated backlash
Redemption denied: YTA’s chance to make amends slips away
“W*F, why does he have to ask you?” – Commenter
Racist accusations and a seafood allergy clash
Ignorance alert! YTA for generalizing Asian cuisine. Educate yourself
Food allergies are serious! YTA needs a lesson on empathy.
Allergy or preference? YTA for risking cross-contamination with seafood.
Allergies vs. preferences: Who’s the real a**hole? ️
Food allergy concerns dismissed by OP, sparking heated debate
Exploring Asian cuisine: broaden your palate and embrace new flavors!
OP’s xenophobia sparks a seafood showdown. ESH for r**e behavior.
Obvious from previous comments: YTA
A fiery showdown leaves a family vacation in shambles. ️
YTA. You s**k
YTA, don’t be selfish. Respect others’ dietary restrictions and preferences.
Passive-aggressive seafood showdown ruins family vacation. YTA
“YTA for choosing a restaurant that triggers allergies. Insanely entitled!”
You’re the a**hole for disregarding your brother’s life-threatening allergy
ESH, but you more so. Allergies are risky and you should have compromised and gone to the Caribbean place. They are a little AHish for seeing you not eat the Korean the first time and picking it again…unless they thought you were just not feeling well the first time — I guess that depends on if anyone knew you didn’t like it and were struggling with the smells. You do sound racist by calling some food normal, though.
YTA for lying in the title.
“YTA. Selfish and uncaring. Your ‘me me me’ attitude is toxic.”
“YTA for not understanding the difference between allergies and preferences!”
Feasible solution offered, but comparing apples and oranges. YTA 100%
Last Updated on August 2, 2023 by Diply Social Team