As a single adult without kids, let’s just say that my mantle — or rather, the ledge under the stairs in lieu of a mantle — looks a little sad this Christmas.
Stockings aren’t much fun when you’re the only person around to put anything in them, and a single stocking looks so lonesome.
Clearly, I missed the obviously solution that’s currently barking at the bunny who lives under the porch: I should get my dogs stockings.

Just imagine how cute it will be with our three little stockings all lined up on the ledge!
Of course, most stockings are sort of a boot-shaped, exaggerated sock, but that’s not really suitable for little paws.
Yes, some dogs wear booties, but a) dog booties are not classically “boot-shaped” and b) my dogs once kicked a booty off so hard it bonked my nose.

No booties in this household, under threat of retaliatory p*****g in mom’s shoes.
So in my quest to find the perfect doggy stockings, I turned to Etsy.
And they did not disappoint.

Just look at these adorable, fuzzy stockings from the shop byPiccio .
The little shape with the plaid paw pads and customized name printed on the trim — I adore it!
Plus, they come in two colors! I’m partial to the navy/green plaid myself.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to keep on searching through Etsy because if my dogs are getting such awesome new stockings, then I need to find myself a nicer one to match!
You can find these stockings and many more amazing items at byPiccio on Etsy.
Last Updated on December 20, 2020 by Amy Pilkington