When a woman’s estranged father contacted her asking for money to pay for his medical bills, she refused to help. After years of no contact and no child support, the woman felt no obligation to financially support a man who had abandoned her and her brother. Despite her mother’s advice to show some compassion, the woman stood her ground and refused to help. While some may see her decision as heartless, others may understand the pain caused by abandonment and feel that she was justified in her actions. What do you think? Was she the a****e or did she do the right thing?
Abandoned daughter denies father’s medical bills after years of neglect
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Father’s abandonment leads to daughter’s refusal to pay medical bills
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Abandoned by her father, now refusing to pay his bills
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/2ecfdf08-a1ea-403f-8f65-0494112d6f04.png)
Years of no contact, no child support & no regrets
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Forgotten father, comfortable life, and endless love for mother ❤️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/35878754-42c8-4a7c-af52-3e7257175a28.png)
Unexpected family drama unfolds after years of no contact ♀️
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/1ab7ef71-2cea-45b5-8830-bd90225ce187.png)
Daughter refuses to pay medical bills for estranged ‘father’.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/26d6a3d4-3094-43a7-9b29-9c2b0db7100e.png)
Unpaid child support, medical bills & a heartless b***h
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Daughter refuses to pay father’s medical bills despite family pressure
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/204c5fa5-6331-4a31-9c12-640bb40b5d3f.png)
Seeking validation for not paying estranged ‘father’s’ medical bills?
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Clarification on ‘SS’ in comments clears up confusion
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Updates on daughter’s response to medical bills controversy.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/86e433ce-6d9a-4d92-b535-28e331899695.png)
Daughter refuses to pay estranged father’s medical bills ♀️
A daughter was contacted by her step-brother regarding their estranged father’s medical bills. The father had left the family when the daughter was young, prioritizing his new family over his own children. The daughter, now grown and successful, refused to pay for her father’s medical bills and cited the years of unpaid child support as a reason. Despite her mother’s suggestion to help out a little, the daughter stood her ground and chose not to help. Was she in the wrong? Read on to find out what others had to say in the comments.
Forgiveness is an option, but NTA for not paying bills ❌

Not the a**hole. But why the sudden change of heart?

Daughter not responsible for ‘father’s’ medical bills, NTA ♀️

NTA! You’re not heartless, they are!

Not the a**hole! Tell us more, what happened?

Choosing to walk away, now expecting help? NTA

Cutting ties with abusive parents doesn’t make you an a**hole

Father neglected his children and now they refuse to pay. NTA!

Don’t you hate it when people only remember you for money? NTA

Stepson reaps what he sowed. NTA wins the game
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/9372e09b-be7e-49cc-8c8a-5dec2ccbe55d.png)
NTA stands up to deadbeat ‘father’ who neglected child support

Family is more than just DNA, NTA for refusing payment

NTA calls out ‘father’ for scamming and suggests to cut contact.

Father who abandoned kids now needs their money. NTA wins.

Commenter refuses to sympathize with deadbeat parent.

Agreed! NTA says it all

Father abandons family, daughter not responsible for medical bills

Family demands payment from estranged child, commenters support OP.

Stranger danger strikes again! NTA for refusing payment

Family ties are earned, not entitled

Stranger reaches out for money, NTA daughter refuses to pay

Father reappears after 18 years, daughter refuses to pay bills

“Abandoned by father, but his death still caused me grief.”

Support for standing up to family pressures.

Cutting off toxic family members for self-care

Clever response to a difficult situation

Don’t pay a penny! Cut off ties and move on.

Don’t let societal norms guilt trip you. Good on ya!

NTA! Blood doesn’t make a father.

Calculating unpaid child support: petty or justified?

Daughter refuses to pay medical bills for estranged ‘father’

Supporting a single mother’s difficult decision.

Unapologetic response to estranged father’s medical bills.

Father’s abandonment hurts even after 23 years.

Choosing not to pay estranged father’s medical bills. NTA.

Father neglected OP, now expects her to pay medical bills. NTA

Cutting toxic ties ♀️ #NTA

Don’t let them dump him back on you. You’re NTA

Family only when convenient? NTA for standing up.

Confused commenter questions custody details in article’s story

Stand your ground, NTA. Start a GoFundMe for ‘father’.

Father abandons child for 18 years, now seeks financial help. NTA

Cutting off toxic family members: Good for you!

User suggests a fair exchange for unpaid child support

Don’t let guilt-tripping family members bully you into paying. ♀️

Empathy over entitlement is the key to healthy relationships. ❤️

Confused about family dynamics, but commenter supports original poster.

Don’t waste your emotions on a shameless man

Not the a**hole, but what’s the backstory?

Standing up to a neglectful parent. NTA

Mom wants daughter to pay ‘father’s’ medical bills. Commenters disagree.

No obligation to pay for absent ‘father’s’ medical bills

Don’t let guilt force you to pay for his mistakes

NTA daughter calls out entitled ‘father’ for medical bills

Grandpa mistreated mom, I met him twice, you’re NTA

Standing up to entitled family members like a boss!

Deadbeat dad finally gets a taste of his own medicine

Daughter not obligated to pay father’s bills after no contact

Daughter refuses to pay medical bills for estranged sperm donor ♀️

NTA, but what country are you in? Disgusted at dad.

Supportive comment gets straight to the point with NTA verdict

Father who wasn’t there for medical bills wants something now

Unpaid child support comes back to bite absentee ‘father’.

Choosing not to pay medical bills for absent ‘father’

Biological father not entitled to medical aid, NTA comment

Commenters side with daughter in medical bill dispute

Cutting ties with family: NTA takes a stand

Father demands medical bill payment, commenters side with daughter.

Defending against familial obligation, a heartfelt NTA comment.

Dark humor shines through in NTA comment about estranged father.

Unpaid child support? NTA says it all ♀️

Stand your ground and don’t let guilt manipulate you

Stepson’s request denied, child support fund redirection justified. NTA.

Cutting ties with toxic family is tough but necessary

Not the a**hole for refusing to pay father’s bills

Sassy response leaves no doubt who’s the bigger person ♀️

Mom’s lack of child support makes NTA seem justified

Unpaid child support = unpaid medical bills. NTA for refusing.

Don’t let guilt trick you, NTA. Keep doing your thing!

Choosing not to pay medical bills for absent father. NTA.

Taking care of family isn’t always black and white ♀️

Did the father even know about the request for money?

NTA for not paying father’s medical bills. Step-son drama

No sympathy for absentee ‘father’. Karma’s a b***h ♀️

Commenter receives praise for NTA response

Biodad gets what he deserves, NTA sets boundaries ✊

No contact, no guilt trip. NTA for refusing medical bills
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/fa75e059-8b29-41d3-a35e-8913c6a01aa8.png)
To pay or not to pay? Reconnect or not?

Don’t pay a penny! New family can’t blame you. ❌

Sassy response to deadbeat dad’s medical bills. ♀️

No reason to pay for toxic ‘father’s’ medical bills.

Unbelievable entitlement of absent ‘father’. NTA ♀️

No contact, no bills. She’s NTA and deserves justice.

NTA gets a thumbs up

Last Updated on March 12, 2023 by Alfe Mercado